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2024-02-07 15:49:32 +01:00
%% title = "what's going on inside the house? (a changelog)"
2024-02-08 22:41:01 +01:00
- **revision 4:** there's now a thing in the footer
2024-02-08 11:52:28 +01:00
% id = "01HP45HV411QDDK8ZBNNBNR6AX"
2024-02-08 11:52:07 +01:00
- **revision 3:** just a bit more polish :relieved:
2024-02-08 11:52:28 +01:00
% id = "01HP45HV41AP9PY0DZN47H8NJ2"
2024-02-08 11:52:07 +01:00
- emoji tooltips now have a neat animation on hover rather than just sort of appearing and disappearing immediately
2024-02-08 11:52:28 +01:00
% id = "01HP45HV4126B4M6KF7NJWEB3R"
2024-02-08 11:52:07 +01:00
- pages can now have thumbnails that display in embeds
2024-02-07 15:49:32 +01:00
% id = "01HP20D2R4ZK30H85H0WBR5WK7"
- **revision 2:** just really comfy UX :relieved:
% id = "01HP20D2R46FP213WVSZPHZXZN"
- first thing you probably noticed: added indent guides (may require a modern browser due to usage of [`:has`](
% id = "01HP20D2R40HW0SMETK14WKDF2"
+ added some nice animations
% id = "01HP20D2R4WD9CC3X8MP3RWWHR"
- hovering over branches is now animated
% id = "01HP20D2R4E24GK562RN108E34"
- when a branch is focused via a hyperlink, the background will now pulse in and out to grab your attention
% id = "01HP20D2R4SFE4S1JREWP50SQ5"
- this replaces the previous dotted underline which my friends reported to be hard to spot
% id = "01HP20D2R4C0DZAKKB84FCQNXN"
+ added dates to branches (requires JavaScript)
% id = "01HP20D2R4BF3ZX5SVV6RJJ6HK"
- JavaScript requirement due to dates being formatted in your system's locale
2024-02-07 15:50:21 +01:00
% id = "01HP20RMB3YD660J8M2SJ2V6DT"
2024-02-07 15:49:32 +01:00
- right now these are invisible on the mobile layout because it's unclear where they should be positioned :ralsei_dead:
% id = "01HP20D2R4B5QDQ2JT06QF8G8E"
- added page titles (you can see them on this page!)
+ fixed "hey expand me" chevrons sometimes shifting layout when a branch is expanded
% id = "01HP20D2R4W85SKCJX2R10RHHC"
- yeah, *these* ones - like the one that just disappeared when you clicked on the branch above
2024-02-07 15:50:21 +01:00
% id = "01HP20RMB3RX6HSBHKM6FVDS44"
2024-02-07 15:49:32 +01:00
+ [`/b` endpoint](/b) is now used for shorter links. it also generates OpenGraph metadata so that Your Favorite Messaging Platform can display the linked branch's content
2024-02-07 15:50:21 +01:00
% id = "01HP20RMB37M1XB6ZC9VWXK98R"
2024-02-07 15:49:32 +01:00
- what's left here is to add some more OpenGraph to do stuff like: thumbnails, default descriptions, and so on and so forth - but the seeds for that have already been planted :smile:
% id = "01HP20D2R4MBTW82TVT9MWY3GZ"
- internals: branches are now based on flexboxes rather than background images.
this requires sending a bit more HTML, but [the layout is a lot more stable][branch:01HP20D2R4F2XZVBBQNVW6CVHE] as well as being [easier to extend][branch:01HP20D2R4C0DZAKKB84FCQNXN]