diff --git a/content/music.tree b/content/music.tree index 4db1868..458f9d8 100644 --- a/content/music.tree +++ b/content/music.tree @@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ id = "01H969NN1BJYFYJJR0F458ACPN" + ### :folder: stuff I listen to +% content.link = "music/brainz" ++ ### :page: the ListenBrainz dataset + % content.link = "music/fuck-drm" id = "01HPECQ3ZE1YKC1FS2X23H77R2" + ### :folder: fuck DRM diff --git a/content/music/brainz.tree b/content/music/brainz.tree new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06fee1c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/music/brainz.tree @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +%% title = "the ListenBrainz data set" + +- I've been using [ListenBrainz](https://listenbrainz.org) as my primary way of keeping track of my listens for a couple years now---I +don't recall exactly when I created my account, as I've imported my listens from Spotify, but my music players have been pushing data to ListenBrainz for a while now either way. + + - I made an account because I was dissatisfied with being tied to a single service for all my music. + especially since I've been listening to more and more music outside of streaming services, which means my listening data wouldn't show up in Spotify. + + - I chose ListenBrainz over a proprietary service, because I like the idea of building a huge data set of what people are listening to. + and adding my own two drops of water to that data set feels really cool. + not only can my data be used for greater scientific purposes, but I can also use _my own data_ for _my own scientific purposes_. + + - obviously there's the question of _data ownership_; and technically speaking, I don't _own_ my data on ListenBrainz. + but honestly I don't mind that so much, since it's an open source service, that lets me export my data whenever I want to. + + - you can find my account [here][def:social/listenbrainz]. + +- below are some things I've done with my data, as well as ideas about what I could do with it in the future. +when I have the time, patience, and motivation, of course. + +- :TODO: the importing of my listens from Spotify + + - I've never published the code, but I wrote a little script that took my exported Spotify data (thanks, GDPR!) and imported it into ListenBrainz. + not without faults though. it'd be nice to write up more about it. + +- :TODO: nerdsniped by Spotify Wrapped + + - [it's this](https://github.com/liquidev/nerdsniped-by-spotify-wrapped); it'd be nice to write up some more about it. + +- :TODO: a story told by a thousand tracks + + - I'd like to use my data set to take my top 1000 most listened tracks, and sort them in chronological order---tracks + I listened to earliest come first---to generate a sort of _life's soundtrack._ + + + I already have such a _curated_ playlist like this on Spotify, but I'm curious how such a playlist would look, were it generated from objective listen data. + + - sans some inaccuracies of course, since Bogdan Raczynski's [boku mo wakaran](https://bogdanraczynski.bandcamp.com/album/boku-mo-wakaran) got imported all as one track. + this is because the individual tracks are untitled, and ListenBrainz failed to differentiate them, despite my Spotify data saying "Untitled 1," "Untitled 2," and so on, with track indices. + so I'd have to skip it, which is a real shame, since it's a pretty cool album. + +- :TODO: diminishing listens, or longer attention span? + + - in 2018, I listened to 25652 tracks. + in 2019, I listened to 34904 tracks. + in 2020, I listened to 29248 tracks. + in 2021 it was 24451, in 2022 it was 22437, and in 2023 it was 22002. + + - we're already past half of 2024, and I'd only listened to 10536 tracks so far as of typing this. + if I keep up the same pace throughout the other half of the year, and if I'm doing my math correctly, that'd mean at the end of the year I will have listened to around 15000 tracks. + that's quite a bit less than 2023, isn't it? + + - I wonder why the numbers are getting lower and lower each year. + is it because I listen to less music overall, or is it because I listen to longer music? + I strongly presume it's the former, as a lot of things have changed for me in 2024---I + moved out to live with my girlfriend, and that means spending more time on housework and other mundane things. + + - until recently I didn't have a pair of good wireless headphones to listen to music while cooking, cleaning, or doing the laundry, so that reduced my listen count quite a bit. + + - funny how in July there was a large spike of 1747 listens, where other months seem to be oscillating around 1000 listens on average. + I don't know what that was about. + + - I do wonder where the 2000 listens per month from last year went though. + + - either way, I'd like to derive a data set that's counted by _minutes listened_ to iron over this, similar to what I did with Spotify Wrapped in 2022. diff --git a/content/treehouse/new.tree b/content/treehouse/new.tree index 49e4057..ff9d90b 100644 --- a/content/treehouse/new.tree +++ b/content/treehouse/new.tree @@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ even though it didn't end up having macros... [read][page:programming/blog/haku] +- I decided to write up some ideas on what sort of cool data analysis I could do on my [ListenBrainz data set][def:social/listenbrainz]. +I haven't done any of it yet, but I thought it'd be cool to share my ideas anyways! + +### the ListenBrainz data set + +[read][page:music/brainz] + % id = "01J293BFEBT15W0Z3XF1HEFGZT" - sometimes people call me crazy for saying that bashing JavaScript is senseless and that it's not as bad of a language as people make it out to be. so I decided to collect my thoughts into a nice little page I can link easily.