diff --git a/content/about-treehouse/emoji.tree b/content/about-treehouse/emoji.tree index 48b0658..096c0ff 100644 --- a/content/about-treehouse/emoji.tree +++ b/content/about-treehouse/emoji.tree @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +%% title = "Graphical Indicators of Emotion, more commonly known as \"emoticons\" or under the brand name \"Emoji\"" + % id = "01H8W7VEVNQ0XR4RDYRGMKS0E9" - the emojis here are grouped by game, topic, or other thing for easier navigation @@ -67,13 +69,36 @@ % id = "01H8W7VEVPSHDWDH58HFKBMGD6" - but I don't wanna replace it because it's just too good + % id = "emoji/nap" + - :nap: - zzZ + +% id = "01HQ162WWF60BD1F4K26E7ZZEV" - ### random places % id = "emoji/ahyes" - :ahyes: - ah, yes + % id = "01HQ162WWFYWW92J0DKRWNZYDY" - smuggest expression for the smuggest of moments, and some tea with it. + % id = "emoji/kamien" + - :kamien: - stone cold + + % id = "01HQ1K39AYJ2KEFFDAM6A8M8ET" + - Polish for _rock_ (stone, not the music genre) + + % id = "01HQ1K39AY808NPR08YPBAR1ZF" + + an expression of magnificence in primitivity + + % id = "01HQ1K39AYKA86GRF12PFDN96N" + + or magnificence in stupidity + + % id = "01HQ1K39AYPE9FCD1FR93H60RR" + + or being dead fucking serious about not liking something that's either of the two above (non-exclusive OR) + + % id = "01HQ1K39AYM2FS3R4Y9175V7XS" + - all credit goes to Apple for designing this beauty + % id = "01HA4HJKQ7FKV8JJ70Q2CY9R86" - ### [Noto Color Emoji](https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-emoji/) diff --git a/content/programming/blog/tairu.tree b/content/programming/blog/tairu.tree index 98a0eb6..ece2a4e 100644 --- a/content/programming/blog/tairu.tree +++ b/content/programming/blog/tairu.tree @@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"] - TODO: short videos demoing this here % id = "01HPD4XQPWJBTJ4DWAQE3J87C9" -- once upon a time I stumbled upon a technique called... +- once upon a time I stumbled upon a technique called… +% id = "01HQ162WWA1KXZPBDWJXSCQA1D" - ### bitwise autotiling % id = "01HPD4XQPW6VK3FDW5QRCE6HSS" @@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"] % id = "01HPD4XQPWJ1CE9ZVRW98X7HE6" - Construct 2 was one of my first programming experiences and the first game engine I truly actually liked :smile: + % id = "01HQ162WWAMCPC5M88QAXHX4BT" - so to help us learn, I made a little tile editor so that we can experiment with rendering tiles! have a look: ```javascript tairu @@ -48,6 +50,7 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"] ```output tairu ``` + % id = "01HQ162WWAC3FN565QE3JAB87D" - `Tilemap` is a class wrapping a flat [`Uint8Array`] with a `width` and a `height`, so that we can index it using (x, y) coordinates. ```javascript tairu @@ -59,31 +62,42 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"] [`Uint8Array`]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Uint8Array + % id = "01HQ162WWA090YW5BR1XW68XJN" - `at` has a `setAt` counterpart which sets tiles instead of getting them. + % id = "01HQ162WWAMD68SY56P7TVT2DJ" - `TileEditor` provides a graphical editor for a `Tilemap` based on a ``. + % id = "01HQ162WWABTFQ0J83C4VZYZB5" - this editor is _Certified Battery Efficient™_, so it won't redraw unless it needs to!\ we'll need to keep this in mind for later when we try to draw images, which may not be loaded during the initial draw. + % id = "01HQ162WWA8Y1AD22MSN71V2E4" - to kick this off, let's set off a goal. I would like the tiles in our little renderer to connect together, like this: ![red rectangle with a black outline, made out of 3x3 tiles][pic:01HPYW5SNTY0Z0ENDE5K3XWMTH] + % id = "01HQ162WWAZV559ABQD1NVXPMA" - let's break this down into smaller steps. drawing a border around the rectangle will involve: + % id = "01HQ162WWATV30HXGBQVWERP2M" - determining *on which tiles* to draw it, + % id = "01HQ162WWAA0V0SS0D1Y38BDS1" - determining *where in these tiles* to draw it, + % id = "01HQ162WWAGBCBDYF4VH26MX1B" - and actually drawing it! + % id = "01HQ162WWA2PNGVV075HR3WMER" - so let's zoom in a bit and look at the tiles one by one. in particular, let's focus on *these* two tiles: ![the same red rectangle, now with a focus on the northern tile at its center][pic:01HPYWPJB1P0GK53BSJFJFRAGR] + % id = "01HQ162WWAYDS6CSD3T102NA9X" - notice how the two highlighted tiles are *different.* therefore, we can infer we should probably connect together any tiles that are *the same*. + % id = "01HQ162WWATDD86D4GY7RMT0BZ" - knowing that, we can extract the logic to a function: ```javascript tairu @@ -92,19 +106,24 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"] } ``` + % id = "01HQ162WWA9M6801Q0RNRSF09H" + now, also note that the border around this particular tile is only drawn on its *northern* edge - therefore we can infer that borders should only be drawn on edges for whom `shouldConnect(thisTile, adjacentTile)` is **`false`** (not `true`!). a tile generally has four edges - east, south, west, north - so we need to perform this check for all of them, and draw our border accordingly. + % id = "01HQ162WWAM5YYQCEXH791T0E9" - you might be wondering why I'm using this particular order for cardinal directions - why not [north, south, east, west]? or [north, east, south, west]? + % id = "01HQ162WWABJ696HCJ09WDC0NX" - the reason comes from math - `[cos(0) sin(0)]` is a vector pointing rightwards, not upwards! and I chose clockwise order, because that's how the vector rotates as we increase the angle, in a coordinate space where +Y points downward - such as the `` coordinate space. + % id = "01HQ162WWABNXV4N2AHZBQC5B7" - this choice yields some nice orderliness in the code that handles fetching tiles for connections - first you check `+X`, then `+Y`, then `-X`, and then `-Y` - which my pedantic mind really appreciates :ahyes:\ as `X` is first alphabetically, so checking `Y` first would feel wrong. + % id = "01HQ162WWA5W8NXSXVZY3BBQ0H" - to do that, I'm gonna override the tile editor's `drawTilemap` function - as this is where the actual tilemap rendering happens! ```javascript tairu @@ -173,13 +192,16 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"] ```output tairu ``` - - this looks pretty perfect - maybe sans corners, which I'll conveniently skip for now - because most games don't actually render graphics in a vectorial way like this! + % id = "01HQ162WWAAEKW1ECV5G3ZEY47" + - this looks pretty perfect - maybe sans corners, which I'll conveniently skip for now, because most games don't actually render graphics in a vectorial way like this! instead, the more common way is to use a tileset - a big texture with a bunch of sprites to use for rendering each tile. + % id = "01HQ162WWACD5CD7GCZE53ZPD7" - not only does this have the advantage of allowing for richer graphics, but it is also a lot easier to modify by artists, because you no longer need knowledge of graphics APIs to draw tiles. % template = true classes.branch = "tileset-cardinal-directions-demo" + id = "01HQ162WWAADKPDQE69W3QZG0M" - for example, here's a tileset I drew for the 3rd iteration of my game [Planet Overgamma] - though tweaked a bit because I had never used it before writing this post :hueh: ![heavy metal sheet tileset from Planet Overgamma, made out of 16 tiles. it looks like heavy embossed sheets of metal, resembling steel in its heavyness][pic:01HPHVDRV0F0251MD0A2EG66C4] @@ -187,6 +209,7 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"] [Planet Overgamma]: https://github.com/liquidev/planet-overgamma % classes.branch = "tileset-cardinal-directions-demo" + id = "01HQ162WWAS502000K8QZWVBDW" - we can split this tileset up into 16 individual tiles, each one 8 × 8 pixels; people choose various resolutions, I chose a fairly low one to hide my lack of artistic skill.
@@ -209,6 +232,7 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"]
% classes.branch = "tileset-cardinal-directions-demo" + id = "01HQ162WWANBTYH1JJWCTZYYVN" - the keen eyed among you have probably noticed that this is very similar to the case we had before with drawing procedural borders - except that instead of determining which borders to draw based on a tile's neighbors, this time we'll determine which *whole tile* to draw based on its neighbors! @@ -231,15 +255,20 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"] + % id = "01HQ162WWA4Z6KKWFV59BR4WD3" - previously we represented which single border to draw with a single boolean. now we will represent which single tile to draw with *four* booleans, because each tile can connect to four different directions. + % id = "01HQ162WWAQ9GZ6JD8KESW4N53" - four booleans like this can easily be packed into a single integer using some bitwise operations, hence we get ***bitwise autotiling*** - autotiling using bitwise operations! + % id = "01HQ162WWAMBM8RXKQTN3D0XR2" - now the clever part of bitwise autotiling is that we can use this packed integer *as an array index* - therefore selecting which tile to draw can be determined using just a single lookup table! neat, huh? + % id = "01HQ162WWA0ZGZ97JZZBFS41TF" - but because I'm lazy, and CPU time is valuable, instead of using an array I'll just rearrange the tileset texture a bit to be able to slice it in place using this index. + % id = "01HQ162WWAQQ99TRBDY5DCSW3Z" - say we arrange our bits like this: ```javascript tairu @@ -250,6 +279,7 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"] ``` % classes.branch = "tileset-cardinal-directions-demo" + id = "01HQ162WWABANND0WGT933TBMV" - that means we'll need to arrange our tiles like so, where the leftmost tile is at index 0 (`0b0000`) and the rightmost tile is at index 15 (`0b1111`):
@@ -271,16 +301,21 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"] ESWN
+ % id = "01HQ162WWAJPW00XA25N0K6KS7" - packing that into a single tileset, or rather this time, a *tile strip*, we get this image: ![horizontal tile strip of 16 8x8 pixel metal tiles][pic:01HPMMR6DGKYTPZ9CK0WQWKNX5] + % id = "01HQ162WWAT2ZC7T2P9ATD6WG2" - now it's time to actually implement it as code! I'll start by defining a *tile index* function as a general way of looking up tiles in a tileset. + % id = "01HQ162WWA0NRHBB6HP2RERNBK" - I want to make the tile renderer a bit more general, so being able to attach a different tile lookup function to each tileset sounds like a great feature. + % id = "01HQ162WWA9PGSHH5E97RVE1PB" - just imagine some game where glass connects to metal, but metal doesn't connect to glass - I bet that would look pretty great! + % id = "01HQ162WWAYJ4JCG3Z24SJR8S9" - …but anyways, here's the basic bitwise magic function: ```javascript tairu @@ -298,12 +333,13 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"] ``` % template = true + id = "01HQ162WWAS813ANMBG1PWDZHC" - we'll define our tilesets by their texture, tile size, and a tile indexing function. so let's create an object that will hold our tileset data: ```javascript tairu // You'll probably want to host the assets on your own website rather than // hotlinking to others. It helps longevity! - const tilesetImage = new Image(); + let tilesetImage = new Image(); tilesetImage.src = "{% pic 01HPMMR6DGKYTPZ9CK0WQWKNX5 %}"; export const heavyMetalTileset = { @@ -313,6 +349,7 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"] }; ``` + % id = "01HQ162WWA0SC2GA7Y3KJE0W5F" - with all that, we should now be able to write a tile renderer which can handle textures! so let's try it: ```javascript tairu @@ -360,7 +397,8 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"] } ``` - - drum roll please... + % id = "01HQ162WWAS2HYF41MZNJ18BXC" + - drum roll please… ```javascript tairu new TilesetTileEditor({ @@ -372,6 +410,7 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"] ```output tairu ``` + % id = "01HQ162WWA03JAGJYCT0DRZP24" - it works! buuuut if you play around with it you'll quickly start noticing some problems: ```javascript tairu @@ -393,219 +432,270 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"] ```output tairu ``` + % id = "01HQ162WWAB0AYSPGB4AEVT03Z" - where did our nice seamless connections go!? - % template = true - id = "01HPMVT9BM9CS9375MX4H9WKW8" - - and that gives us this result: +% id = "01HQ162WWA3Q095ZGXDFZ1V2Q1" +- ### thing is, it was never good in the first place - - Your browser does not support <canvas>. - - + % id = "01HQ162WWARSVDRNHZE13ZF6W6" + - I'll be blunt: we don't have enough tiles to represent *corners*! like in this case: - % id = "01HPMVT9BM3WR0BNZFHP2BPZ8A" - - but if you play around with it (or have *already* played around with it, and are therefore left with a non-default tilemap) + ```javacript tairu + import { Tilemap } from "tairu/tilemap.js"; - ...something seems awful about it doesn't it? + new TilesetTileEditor({ + tilemap: Tilemap.parse(" x", [ + " ", + " xx ", + " x ", + " ", + ]), + tileSize: 40, + tilesets: [heavyMetalTileset], + }); + ``` + ```output tairu + ``` + + % id = "01HQ1K39AS4VDW7DVTAGQ03WFM" + - have a closer look at the top-left tile: + + ![the above example, showing an L shape rotated 180°, with the top left corner highlighted][pic:01HQ167GJEPTKHAKAVNW3WN1SZ] + + % id = "01HQ1K39AS6Y9XMJTMMQYTWRMC" + - it should kind of _"bend"_ to fit in with the tiles to the north and the south, but it doesn't :kamien: + + % id = "01HQ1K39ASQQNF7B881SYJWRC7" + - so what if we made the tile look like *this* instead: + + ![mockup showing that previous L-shape but with a real corner][pic:01HQ17GYEZSZCVRBFHP4HXAJV8] + + % id = "01HQ1K39ASMKRMTXFV93FRHZTG" + - that sure as heck looks a lot nicer! but there's a problem: that tile, let's zoom in on it… + + ![that bent tile, and just *it* alone][pic:01HQ183RANGH4S7VZSG1ZGH0S5] + + % classes.branch = "tileset-four-to-eight-demo" + id = "01HQ1K39ASR81NWMW8Q0MF8QMP" + - enhance! + + + + % classes.branch = "tileset-four-to-eight-demo" + id = "01HQ1K39ASC5WTR2A2AJN85JK2" + - huh. interesting. it connects to the east and the south. so what about this tile - + + % id = "01HQ1K39ASXYBH9QJH5Q0C45JZ" + - because it *also* connects to the east and the south :thinking: + + % id = "01HQ1K39ASW5PWS52NGA2X3M0P" + - seems like we'll need something to disambiguate the two cases - and what better thing to disambiguate with than *more bits*! + + % classes.branch = "tileset-four-to-eight-demo" + id = "01HPQCCV4R5N97FJ1GS36HZJZ7" + - to represent the corners, we'll turn our four cardinal directions… + + + + into eight *ordinal* directions: + + + + % id = "01HQ1K39ASFN94YDY1RWQYS12K" + - at this point with the four extra corners we'll need 8 bits to represent our tiles, and that would make… + + ***256 tiles!?*** + + nobody in their right mind would actually draw 256 separate tiles, right? ***RIGHT???*** % template = true - id = "01HPMVT9BMPA89037VPWPPWX8V" - - something's off about the corners. let me give you a fresh example to illustrate what I mean: + id = "01HQ1K39AS11M1M4GQQ60NXTY6" + - …right! let's stick with the 16 tile version for a moment. + if we arrange the tiles in a diagnonal cross like this, notice how the tile in the center would have the bits `SE | SW | NW | NE` set, which upon first glance would suggest us needing a different tile - + but it looks correct! - - Your browser does not support <canvas>. - - + ```javascript tairu + import { Tilemap } from "tairu/tilemap.js"; - % id = "01HPMVT9BM16EF3TV5J1K19JAM" - + see that tile in the bottom left corner of the `L` shape? it's missing a corner. - the top-right corner, to be exact, which makes it visually disjoint from the tiles to the north and the east. + new TilesetTileEditor({ + tilemap: Tilemap.parse(" x", [ + " ", + " x x ", + " x ", + " x x ", + " ", + ]), + tileSize: 40, + tilesets: [heavyMetalTileset], + }); + ``` + ```output tairu + ``` - % id = "01HPMVT9BM5VWJSMDNPK2SRNZV" - - (I'm totally not trying to say this implementation is an L so far) - - % id = "01HPMVT9BMWG6QHQ125Z884W8Z" - + i'll cut right to the chase here and say it outright - the issue is that we simply don't have enough tiles to represent *corner* cases like this! - - % id = "01HPMVT9BMQK8N1H68YV3J4CFQ" - - see what I did there? - - % id = "01HPMVT9BMJTG3KD3K5EJ3BC93" - - the solution to that is to introduce more tiles to handle these edge cases. + % id = "01HQ1K39AS7CRBZ67N1VVHCVME" + - therefore there must be *some* bit combinations that are redundant to others. let's find them! % classes.branch = "tileset-four-to-eight-demo" - id = "01HPQCCV4R5N97FJ1GS36HZJZ7" - - to represent the corners, we'll turn our four cardinal directions... + id = "01HQ1K39ASZPJ4E23EZ1XJ5J7K" + - let's pick one corner first, then generalize to all the other ones. I pick southeast! - - - into eight *ordinal* directions: - -