import { CodeJar } from "treehouse/vendor/codejar.js"; import { compileSyntax, highlight } from "treehouse/components/literate-programming/highlight.js"; const loggingEnabled = false; function log(...message) { if (loggingEnabled) { console.log("[lp]", ...message); } } let literatePrograms = new Map(); function getLiterateProgram(name) { if (literatePrograms.get(name) == null) { literatePrograms.set(name, { frames: [], onChanged: [], outputCount: 0, nextOutputIndex() { return this.outputCount++; }, }); } return literatePrograms.get(name); } function getLiterateProgramWorkerCommands(name, count) { let commands = []; let literateProgram = getLiterateProgram(name); for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) { let frame = literateProgram.frames[i]; if (frame.mode == "input") { commands.push({ kind: "module", source: frame.textContent, language: frame.language, kernelParameters: frame.kernelAttributes, }); } else if (frame.mode == "output") { commands.push({ kind: "output" }); } } return commands; } let compiledSyntaxes = new Map(); async function getCompiledSyntax(language) { if (compiledSyntaxes.has(language)) { return compiledSyntaxes.get(language); } else { let json = await (await fetch(TREEHOUSE_SYNTAX_URLS[language])).text(); let compiled = compileSyntax(JSON.parse(json)); compiledSyntaxes.set(language, compiled); return compiled; } } class InputMode { constructor(frame) { this.frame = frame; getCompiledSyntax(this.frame.language).then((syntax) => { this.syntax = syntax; this.highlight(); }); this.codeJar = CodeJar(frame, (frame) => this.highlight(frame)); this.codeJar.onUpdate(() => { log(`${this.frame.programName} input frame ${this.frame.frameIndex} update`); for (let handler of frame.program.onChanged) { handler(frame.programName, frame.frameIndex); } }); frame.addEventListener("click", (event) => event.preventDefault()); } async highlight() { if (this.syntax == null) return; highlight(this.frame, this.syntax, (token, span) => { if (token.kind == "keyword1" && token.string == "export") { // This is something a bit non-obvious about the treehouse's literate programs // so let's document it. span.classList.add("export"); span.title = "This item is exported and visible in code blocks that follow"; } }); } } function messageOutputArrayToString(output) { return output .map((x) => { if (typeof x === "object") return JSON.stringify(x); else return x + ""; }) .join(" "); } class OutputMode { constructor(frame) { this.frame = frame; this.outputIndex = this.frame.program.nextOutputIndex(); this.console = document.createElement("pre"); this.console.classList.add("console"); this.frame.appendChild(this.console); this.clearConsoleOnNextOutput = false; this.error = document.createElement("pre"); this.error.classList.add("error"); this.frame.appendChild(this.error); this.iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); this.iframe.classList.add("hidden"); this.iframe.src = `${TREEHOUSE_SITE}/sandbox`; this.frame.appendChild(this.iframe); this.currentEvaluation = new Promise((resolve) => resolve()); this.completeCurrentEvaluation = () => {}; this.evaluationEnqueued = false; this.iframe.contentWindow.treehouseSandboxInternals = { outputIndex: this.outputIndex }; this.iframe.contentWindow.addEventListener("message", (event) => { log( `${this.frame.programName} output frame ${this.frame.frameIndex} (output index ${this.outputIndex}) recv`,, ); let message =; if (message.kind == "ready") { this.evaluate(); } else if (message.kind == "resize" && message.outputIndex == this.outputIndex) { this.resize(); } else if (message.kind == "output" && message.outputIndex == this.outputIndex) { if (message.output.kind == "error") { this.completeCurrentEvaluation(); this.error.textContent = messageOutputArrayToString(message.output.message); this.iframe.classList.add("hidden"); } else { this.addOutput(message.output); } } else if (message.kind == "evalComplete") { this.completeCurrentEvaluation(); this.error.textContent = ""; this.flushConsoleClear(); } }); if (this.frame.placeholderImage != null) { this.frame.placeholderImage.classList.add("js", "loading"); } this.frame.program.onChanged.push((_, inputFrameIndex) => { if (inputFrameIndex < this.frame.frameIndex) { this.evaluateWhenPossible(); } }); } evaluateWhenPossible() { if (!this.evaluationEnqueued) { this.evaluationEnqueued = true; this.currentEvaluation.then(() => { this.evaluate(); this.evaluationEnqueued = false; }); } } evaluate() { log(`${this.frame.programName} output frame ${this.frame.frameIndex} evaluate`); this.currentEvaluation = new Promise((resolve) => { this.completeCurrentEvaluation = resolve; }); this.requestConsoleClear(); this.iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({ action: "eval", input: getLiterateProgramWorkerCommands( this.frame.programName, this.frame.frameIndex + 1, ), }); } clearConsole() { if (this.frame.placeholderConsole != null) { this.frame.removeChild(this.frame.placeholderConsole); this.frame.placeholderConsole = null; } this.console.replaceChildren(); } requestConsoleClear() { this.clearConsoleOnNextOutput = true; } flushConsoleClear() { if (this.clearConsoleOnNextOutput) { this.clearConsole(); this.clearConsoleOnNextOutput = false; } } addOutput(output) { this.flushConsoleClear(); let line = document.createElement("code"); line.classList.add("output"); line.classList.add(output.kind); // One day this will be more fancy. Today is not that day. line.textContent = output.message .map((x) => { if (typeof x === "object") return JSON.stringify(x); else return x + ""; }) .join(" "); this.console.appendChild(line); } resize() { // iframe cannot be `display: none` to get its scrollWidth/scrollHeight. this.iframe.classList.remove("hidden"); if (this.frame.placeholderImage != null) { // Fade the iframe in after it becomes visible, and remove the image. setTimeout(() => this.iframe.classList.add("loaded"), 0); this.frame.removeChild(this.frame.placeholderImage); this.frame.placeholderImage = null; } else { // If there is no image, don't do the fade in. this.iframe.classList.add("loaded"); } let width = this.iframe.contentDocument.body.scrollWidth; let height = this.iframe.contentDocument.body.scrollHeight; if (width == 0 || height == 0) { this.iframe.classList.add("hidden"); } else { this.iframe.width = width; this.iframe.height = height; } } } class LiterateProgram extends HTMLElement { connectedCallback() { this.language = this.getAttribute("data-language"); this.programName = this.getAttribute("data-program"); this.frameIndex = this.program.frames.length; this.program.frames.push(this); this.placeholderImage = this.getElementsByClassName("placeholder-image")[0]; this.placeholderConsole = this.getElementsByClassName("placeholder-console")[0]; this.kernelAttributes = {}; for (let name of this.getAttributeNames()) { if (name.startsWith("k-")) { this.kernelAttributes[name] = this.getAttribute(name); } } this.mode = this.getAttribute("data-mode"); if (this.mode == "input") { this.modeImpl = new InputMode(this); } else if (this.mode == "output") { this.modeImpl = new OutputMode(this); } } get program() { return getLiterateProgram(this.programName); } } customElements.define("th-literate-program", LiterateProgram);