% id = "01H969NN1ACMHAYB8QX7SNCVJC" - buy: [Bandcamp](https://radiohead.bandcamp.com/album/ok-computer) % id = "01H969NN1A5S3VD7Y6FAXS0B3Y" - this is an album I didn't really enjoy until very recently % id = "01H969NN1A5B2QEKWY6B9KQFVP" - what I came for in Radiohead was the more tender bits where they mix rock with electronica, and this album is *very* coarse and rough compared to some of the later ones % id = "01H969NN1A24V0J35FP07Z8Q6A" - but this album has some pearls behind the generally rocky facade % id = "01H969NN1A59XBNWNFDBS8M3WF" - favorite tracks % id = "music/track/radiohead/the-tourist" + #### The Tourist % id = "01H969NN1AMCWWC12X58BCD1GB" - yeah, man. slow down. % id = "01H969NN1AGVKM992WV7B01P95" - an ode to not appreciating the little details in life. an ode to going forward and never pausing to think. *have I been doing this all wrong?* % id = "01H969NN1AB8A3KMHPQ7017MS2" - I really like the slow tempo and Pink Floyd-esque style. it really sticks in my head. % id = "music/track/radiohead/paranoid-android" + #### Paranoid Android % id = "01H969NN1A743JETEND4EXTGG9" - oppressive AIs or something % id = "01H969NN1ABNZ88VSPM5ETBYB6" - I haven't read too much into it % id = "01H969NN1AAZ672H41ZGWZDYXT" - mixed a little oddly (Thom Yorke's voice sounds really thin) but I like the electronic bits and general atmosphere % id = "01H969NN1AFR4MBTBVBC2R06MC" - the oppressive tone is also what made me like [Hail to the Thief][branch:music/album/radiohead/hail-to-the-thief] a lot % id = "music/track/radiohead/fitter-happier" + #### Fitter Happier % id = "01H969NN1A1GEVNYSPKE1AR9SJ" - wouldn't _you_ like to be fitter, happier, more productive? % id = "01H969NN1AE96A7FM03GMTQ0TS" - myself, I don't think so. I don't know where I'd go without the oddities in life. without my pendulum of insanity. % id = "01H969NN1A0TP1TGWEH0QZVDBQ" - it feels like this track's story belongs somewhere between [The Matrix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Matrix) and [eugenics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenics) % id = "01H969NN1AA7K2PDH2J7J7PP91" - probably my favorite off this album simply because it's so different % id = "01H969NN1ANG34ZJXPMVM4D05Z" - no guitars whatsoever, just the text-to-speech talking about its perfect member of society, a chilling ambience, and piano % id = "01H969NN1A6W70WAZSGXH7DS3B" - I love the plot twist it takes at the very end