import { Sketch } from "treehouse/sandbox.js"; export class TileEditor extends Sketch { constructor({ tilemap, tileSize }) { super(tilemap.width * tileSize, tilemap.height * tileSize); this.colorScheme = { background: "#F7F7F7", grid: "#00000011", tileCursor: "#222222", tiles: [ "transparent", // never actually drawn to the screen with the default renderer! "#eb134a", ], }; this.tilemap = tilemap; this.tileSize = tileSize; this.hasFocus = false; this.paintingTile = null; this.tileCursor = { x: 0, y: 0 }; this.canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", event => this.mouseMoved(event)); this.canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", event => this.mousePressed(event)); this.canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", event => this.mouseReleased(event)); this.canvas.addEventListener("mouseenter", _ => this.mouseEnter()); this.canvas.addEventListener("mouseleave", _ => this.mouseLeave()); this.canvas.addEventListener("contextmenu", event => event.preventDefault()); // Only draw first frame after the constructor already runs. // That way we can modify the color scheme however much we want without causing additional // redraws. requestAnimationFrame(() => this.draw()); } draw() { this.drawBackground(); this.drawTilemap(); this.drawGrid(); if (this.hasFocus) { this.drawTileCursor(); } } drawBackground() { this.ctx.fillStyle = this.colorScheme.background; this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); } drawTilemap() { for (let y = 0; y < this.tilemap.height; ++y) { for (let x = 0; x < this.tilemap.width; ++x) { let tile =, y); if (tile != 0) { this.ctx.fillStyle = this.colorScheme.tiles[tile]; this.ctx.fillRect(x * this.tileSize, y * this.tileSize, this.tileSize, this.tileSize); } } } } drawGrid() { this.ctx.beginPath(); for (let x = 0; x < this.tilemap.width; ++x) { this.ctx.moveTo(x * this.tileSize, 0); this.ctx.lineTo(x * this.tileSize, this.canvas.height); } for (let y = 0; y < this.tilemap.width; ++y) { this.ctx.moveTo(0, y * this.tileSize); this.ctx.lineTo(this.canvas.width, y * this.tileSize); } this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.colorScheme.grid; this.ctx.lineWidth = 1; this.ctx.stroke(); } drawTileCursor() { this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.colorScheme.tileCursor; this.ctx.lineWidth = 5; this.ctx.strokeRect(this.tileCursor.x * this.tileSize, this.tileCursor.y * this.tileSize, this.tileSize, this.tileSize); } mouseMoved(event) { this.tileCursor.x = Math.floor(event.offsetX / this.tileSize); this.tileCursor.y = Math.floor(event.offsetY / this.tileSize); this.paintTileUnderCursor(); this.draw(); } mousePressed(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (event.button == 0) { this.paintingTile = 1; } else if (event.button == 2) { this.paintingTile = 0; } this.paintTileUnderCursor(); this.draw(); } mouseReleased(_event) { this.stopPainting(); this.draw(); } mouseEnter() { this.hasFocus = true; this.draw(); } mouseLeave() { this.hasFocus = false; this.stopPainting(); this.draw(); } paintTileUnderCursor() { if (this.paintingTile != null) { this.tilemap.setAt(this.tileCursor.x, this.tileCursor.y, this.paintingTile); } } stopPainting() { this.paintingTile = null; } }