%% title = "on digital textures"

% id = "01HQ8JHZ5NP1K7PHW4MJQS65ND"
- this is not about textures in the graphics programming sort of way. this is about textures in the _you can feel it under your fingers_ way

- I don't know if it's just some weird synaesthesia thing or not, but one interesting observation I've noticed is that various cursors seem to give off different _textures_.
like you hover over something and you can digitally feel it under your fingers

- these textures just generally cause different pieces of software to give off different _vibes_;
for example, based on texture alone it is possible to determine whether something runs on web technologies.

    % id = "01HQ8JHZ5N68ZG29CSAKYW3CYE"
    - you can probably tell this blog is a website just by _feeling_ how it behaves.

        % id = "01HQ8JHZ5NZAVMCYFGS94W6Z8N"
        - the cursors, where [pointer]{style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: dotted underline;"} is used for elements that are clickable,
        and a text cursor is used for text.

        ``` =html
        .digital-textures-pointer-cursor * { cursor: default }

        % classes.branch = "digital-textures-pointer-cursor"
            id = "01HQ8JHZ5NYDJD0YKVX55AR3ZQ"
        - {style="cursor: default;"}
        when you have an interactive element and it _doesn't_ have a [pointer]{style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: dotted underline;"} cursor on it, it feels almost _wrong._
        eerie in a way. out of place.\
        like have you noticed this branch is kind of really fucking weird with the default cursor?

            % id = "01HQ8JHZ5NT1P5R3EM9GEKZ3DK"
            - [and this one is _even_ weirder, with unselectable text! (sorry for this. I'm trying to make a point.)]{style="cursor: default; user-select: none;"}

        % id = "01HQ8JHZ5N21GM1FWEXAKPWDPA"
        - the fact you can press `<kbd>Ctrl</kbd>`{=html} + `<kbd>A</kbd>`{=html} and it selects all text also gives off a texture typical of websites.

        % id = "01HQ8JHZ5NMA2HT3M075G9AV1A"
        - the common usage of [hyperlinks][def:word/hyperlink] over buttons is also typical of websites.

% id = "01HQ8JHZ5N2WA7G6QN7YCE8PN0"
- Git for Windows asks whether you want to use stock Windows `cmd.exe` or mintty.
for as long as I can remember, mintty always felt _wrong_ to me. like the experience was not _Windowsy._
simply because the terminal window is so tiny, the cursor is an I-beam, and the default font used is [Lucida Console]{style="font-family: 'Lucida Console', RecVar;"} rather than [Consolas]{style="font-family: 'Consolas', RecVar;"}.

    % id = "01HQ8JHZ5NHEW18R8JQWQCAB6Y"
    - synaesthetically, it feels to me as if `cmd.exe` is smooth, and mintty is rough. like with `cmd.exe` you're touching matte plastic, an LCD display, and with mintty you're touching a piece of paper or tree bark.