{{> components/_head.hbs }} {{#> components/_nav.hbs }} {{!-- For /index, include a "new" link that goes to the curated news feed page. --}} {{#if (eq page.tree_path "index")}} new {{/if}} {{/ components/_nav.hbs }} {{> components/_noscript.hbs }} {{> components/_webkit.hbs }}


since you clicked here, you must be curious as to what's been going on since your last visit to the house. so here's a recap just for you - enjoy!

{{> components/_tree.hbs }}

note that this page does not include any updates that were made to the website itself - for that, you can visit the changelog.


if you find the newsfeed annoying, you can customize some aspects of it.

{{!-- For all pages except the one linked from the footer, include the footer icon. --}} {{#if (ne page.tree_path "treehouse")}} {{> components/_footer.hbs }} {{/if}}