% id = "01HA4P1KVBKC1YAV3MNGCEK2SG" - [repo][def:stitchkit/repo] % id = "01HA4KNTTKQ3XXPMQ4BYEK7ASD" - a heartwarmingly joyful to use modding toolkit for A Hat in Time % id = "01HA4KNTTKP66JZQSJGSMH4DGJ" + ### philosophy % id = "01HA4KNTTKEAKZHHQ7ST7WF80G" + better than vanilla % id = "01HA4KNTTKYFC57JSX0E8B3P45" - the experience of using Stitchkit should always be more pleasant than the vanilla modding tools % id = "01HA4KNTTKBEC62498QK5S4FR4" - if it's somehow worse, that's a bug % id = "01HA4KNTTKMD2J4FW653CMADR7" + fix the problems, don't fear breakage % id = "01HA4KNTTKG3YFJDC3E20WQQ2N" - applies to [MuScript][branch:programming/projects/muscript] in particular - we are not afraid to make the language better, even if it breaks your code % id = "01HA4KNTTK77FYN351SRRA9A2X" + if it ain't broke, don't fix it % id = "01HA4KNTTK7P44BH53T2G7NPSW" - while fixing issues is important, we want the modding tools to remain familiar to existing vanilla users. % id = "01HA4KNTTK3E434W16S72WVYQC" - for example the syntax of UnrealScript may be a bit dated, but it is perfectly readable without much reason to change it. no need to invent a new language. % id = "01HA4KNTTKZ785HH49ACCJCVCH" + be helpful % id = "01HA4KNTTK4ZYMRF7JHXM0X3GM" - people who come to mod AHiT are often not professional programmers to put up with shitty tools that have overly cryptic error messages and terrible user experience across the board. % id = "01HA4KNTTKCB8X790D4N1NR8QC" - we want to help people fuel their imagination instead of hindering it % id = "01HAS6RMNCZS9Y84N8WZ6594D1" + be lazy % id = "01HAS6RMNC0MGJK4W1BBF40V45" - don't do work nobody asks for % id = "01HAS6RMNC2AFSG658MHKC7S23" - compiling things the user doesn't care about is a pointless waste of computer resources % id = "01HAS6RMNCMJVMM7WERXDS7B7G" - implementing things that don't matter for Hat modding is a pointless waste of time % id = "01HA4KNTTK4TCWTWQXDWPPEQE0" + ### insanium % id = "01HA4KNTTK6V6WGVTG2FH84JQ5" - section for absolutely insane ideas that will never work but fill my inner hackerman with joy % id = "01HA4NZ9DAMZ90TS7SZA3F2A9F" - organized from least insane to most insane % id = "01HA4KNTTKNHFVJGB3DVVHA8NB" - also see [MuScript's insanium][branch:01HA4KNTTGG3YX2GYFQ89M2V6Q] % id = "01HA4KNTTKF0EGFMG2229Z9XKB" + hot reloading scripts in the editor % id = "01HA4KNTTK5VS9BR12H3M5CFXE" - in theory if we control the editor process, we should be able to search the address space for various anchor points % id = "01HA4NZ9DAWBD2KQW8YB8Z7WPZ" + scripts can be up to 65536 bytes long - this might not seem like much, but bytecode is much more compact than text! % id = "01HA4NZ9DARFC10P5AFT6J03E1" - from my analyses when building [Yarnbox][branch:programming/projects/yarnbox], most chunks of bytecode don't exceed 4096 bytes % id = "01HA4KNTTKW393XV8CPZSW2J7H" + the engine loads your bytecode *mostly* verbatim, so we could include a recognizable signature at the end of every script % id = "01HA4NZ9DADP5E842D1630NH19" - I imagine we could use a short string of bytes that's unlikely to collide with anything yet fast to search for. probably 16 bytes (128 bits) would be enough but we can experiment with less % id = "01HA4NZ9DA4HADG7SFDTPKKJ11" - I say it loads your code *mostly* verbatim because it actually parses the bytecode to translate archive object indices to % id = "01HA4NZ9DAW2KEDX62E810PA03" - since we can't reallocate memory, we'll have to always preallocate all 65536 bytes - but 64 KiB isn't that much in the first place, % id = "01HA4NZ9DA1YJ949VCKME3HQXW" - well not until you realize how many functions there are in the engine (I haven't counted.) but you can't modify those so no need to support this functionality there % id = "01HA4NZ9DA9YKXHM4FDT5T1KBT" - and the typical mod doesn't have that many functions (what, 200 maybe? that would be ~12.5 MiB of memory, which ain't much) % id = "01HA4PDZ8DTRSED9G8QNNDG422" - with the bytecode of the script found in memory, we can modify it arbitrarily however we want % id = "01HA4PDZ8DYY6G6314F4CRVHXQ" - except it's not that simple because scripts contain object references, and we have no way to resolve those to addresses % id = "01HA4PDZ8D4198D8MG0GY5P9Q7" - we could use `DynamicLoadObject` though, as cursed as that is :thinking: % id = "01HA4NZ9DAJWYBEZV2P1PYA4DW" - the downside of this is that we could only modify the bytecode of functions. % id = "01HA4NZ9DAKCW9PF0T4HKR2PX8" - I imagine there could be some hacks we could do to trigger running arbitrary code inside the context of the editor, but I haven't thought those through yet fully