const branchStateKey = "treehouse.openBranches"; let branchState = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(branchStateKey)) || {}; function saveBranchIsOpen(branchID, state) { branchState[branchID] = state; localStorage.setItem(branchStateKey, JSON.stringify(branchState)); } function branchIsOpen(branchID) { return branchState[branchID]; } class Branch extends HTMLLIElement { constructor() { super(); this.details = this.childNodes[0]; this.innerUL = this.details.childNodes[1]; let doPersist = !this.hasAttribute("data-th-do-not-persist"); let isOpen = branchIsOpen(; if (doPersist && isOpen !== undefined) { = isOpen; } this.details.addEventListener("toggle", _ => { saveBranchIsOpen(,; }); } } customElements.define("th-b", Branch, { extends: "li" }); class LinkedBranch extends Branch { constructor() { super(); this.linkedTree = this.getAttribute("data-th-link"); this.loadingState = "notloaded"; this.loadingText = document.createElement("p"); { this.loadingText.className = "link-loading"; let linkedTreeName = document.createElement("code"); linkedTreeName.innerText = this.linkedTree; this.loadingText.append("Loading ", linkedTreeName, "..."); } this.innerUL.appendChild(this.loadingText); // This produces a warning during static generation but we still want to handle that // correctly, as Branch saves the state in localStorage. Having an expanded-by-default // linked block can be useful in development. if ( { this.loadTree(); } this.details.addEventListener("toggle", _ => { if ( { this.loadTree(); } }); } loadTree() { if (this.loadingState == "notloaded") { this.loadingState = "loading"; fetch(`/${this.linkedTree}.html`) .then(response => { if (response.status == 404) { throw `Hmm, seems like the tree "${this.linkedTree}" does not exist.`; } return response.text(); }) .then(text => { let parser = new DOMParser(); let linkedDocument = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/html"); let main = linkedDocument.getElementsByTagName("main")[0]; let ul = main.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0]; this.loadingText.remove(); this.innerUL.innerHTML = ul.innerHTML; this.loadingState = "loaded"; }) .catch(error => { this.loadingText.innerText = error.toString(); this.loadingState = "error"; }); } } } customElements.define("th-b-linked", LinkedBranch, { extends: "li" }); function expandDetailsRecursively(element) { while (element && element.tagName != "MAIN") { if (element.tagName == "DETAILS") { = true; } element = element.parentElement; } } // When you click on a link, and the destination is within a
that is not expanded, // expand the
recursively. window.addEventListener("popstate", _ => { let element = document.getElementById(window.location.hash.substring(1)); if (element !== undefined) { // If the element is already loaded on the page, we're good. expandDetailsRecursively(element); window.location.hash = window.location.hash; } })