% id = "01HFYZKREVNWZMAJSYCYBEPK6C" - this is where I get all existential and stuff % id = "01HFYZKREV1GSWT2Q07XFRTTBH" + but if you've been wondering what makes my brain tick, you've come to the right place % id = "01HFYZKREVXY44MS45P5J0BRBE" - perhaps my thoughts here will be more than *just* pure philosophy and worldview, who knows! % id = "01HFYZKREVSW8KTGVKN4R8GPKK" - **perhaps this will be the most controversial branch of this tree, so maybe if you don't like to get all fired up... stop reading here.** % id = "01HFYZKREV1CYFWBF4ZM4R3Y15" - but if you decide to stay please approach these thoughtfully and respectfully, with more of a a "this is interesting" than "I disagree with this" vibe % id = "01HFYZKREV634J021ZMCDSP7G4" + hedonic treadmill ([wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedonic_treadmill)) % id = "01HFYZKREVV2CX1GYJQ18BJS78" + a concept that's incredibly useful in keeping it cool % id = "01HFYZKREVVSABAMXQ5C8VTWWD" - because what of those depressing days, if next day you may wake up and feel 100x better % id = "01HFYZKREVGA2YHKPXYFJ180P4" + a concept that's incredibly scary when you love someone % id = "01HFYZKREVMKTSY4HXYE5R92HW" - because what of these moments where you're incredibly happy, if you're gonna feel normal tomorrow anyways % id = "01HFYZKREVJ1GBC41SY44T4JRB" - as scary of a concept it is when you're feeling well, it's useful to remember about the treadmill when you're down. and don't think that it'll ruin a good day, just don't think about it then.