# liquidex's treehouse Welcome to the Construct. If you haven't seen the treehouse yet, you [may wanna](https://liquidex.house). It's pretty darn cool. Please note that this repository contains spoilers. So if you like exploring by yourself, you may wanna do that first before diving into the source code. *Spoilers for what?*, you might ask. … You have been warned. ## Building The following commands require [`just`](https://github.com/casey/just). Running a development server requires [`cargo-watch`](https://github.com/watchexec/cargo-watch). To serve the website on `http://localhost:8080` for development: ```sh just ``` This will start a server on port 8080. You can change the port by using the variable `port`: ```sh just port=8081 ``` The website will reload itself automatically if you change any file in the repository. ## Contributing If you found a typo, be my guest. Just note that some typos are intentional, please make sure you understand the full context of the sentence. If you found a bug, by all means please submit a fix. (or at least an issue.) Since this is my personal website, I don't accept outside contributions for new content. Because then it would no longer be *my* treehouse. If you wish to create something similar to liquidex's treehouse, you probably want to use more mature software instead of my scrappy, opinionated piece of art. Check out [Logseq](https://logseq.com/) - it has static site generation built in, with a much more approachable UI, cross-device sync, and great customizability through community-made themes and plugins.