%% title = "fear of the unknown" % id = "01JCGVBXW41374C1TEEYH8245B" + no matter how long you live, you will always live in fear. % id = "01JCGVBXW4FCXR0EVM27FJGEQ5" - that's your survival instinct speaking. % id = "01JCGVBXW4DGDF7GJDBS93EDZ6" - *as long as you're learning, you can never truly be comfortable.* % id = "01JCGVBXW4Y4NQ0SMFF7Z443HW" + learning new things requires changing yourself, and changing yourself means overcoming fear of the unknown. % id = "01JCGVBXW40VH024AZ9A3X6XYD" - (absorbing knowledge is not the same as learning.) % id = "01JCGVBXW4MBXMABNA2165JQAB" - this is pretty scary when you think about it. do you mean I'll never be comfortable [being a furry][page:philosophy/furry]? % id = "01JCGVBXW4GV5K0Z0JN6X285CN" - well yeah, basically yeah. only way is that you can become comfortable with certain _parts_ of the experience, by simply experiencing them and teaching your mind [it's okay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcBLUIov1_I){.secret}.