{{!-- This is a bit of a hack to quickly insert metadata into generated pages without going through Handlebars, which would involve registering, parsing, and generating a page from a template. Yes it would be more flexible that way, but it doesn't need to be. It just needs to be a string replacement. --}} {{#if page.thumbnail}} {{/if}}

hey! looks like you're using a weird or otherwise quirky web browser. this basically means, the website will not work for you correctly. I might fix it in the future but I have very limited time to work on this website and so don't have an estimate on when that might happen.

in the meantime I suggest switching to something more modern.

sorry for the inconvenience!

{{!-- Append page styles and scripts into the main content, such that they can be inlined into linked branches when those are loaded in. Putting them in the page's head would make extracting them way more painful than it needs to be. --}} {{#each page.styles}} {{/each}} {{#each page.scripts}} {{/each}} {{{ page.tree }}}
{{#if (ne page.tree_path 'treehouse')}} {{/if}}