%% title = "Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool" % id = "01H9JB094C60Q6DR1E7SME7Y0N" - buy: [Bandcamp](https://radiohead.bandcamp.com/album/a-moon-shaped-pool) % id = "01H9JB094C7QNWZNYQDKPX7CVA" - a really chill album compared to most of their previous work % id = "01H9JB094C7S8K58DCCRCA22AG" - takes on some of the chillness of [The King of Limbs][branch:music/album/radiohead/the-king-of-limbs], but it's much more acoustic % id = "01H9JB094CX3APT8AFQHKE23Z5" - favorite tracks % id = "01H9JB094CE84FR36P97W43J07" - while I usually try to rank these tracks by how much I like them (from top to bottom), it's really hard to do it with this album, so just know I like these equally. % id = "music/track/radiohead/present-tense" + #### Present Tense % id = "01H9JB094CYBC0QRFV8D0H8CGB" - _this dance, this dance_\ _is like a weapon, is like a weapon_\ _of self-defense, of self-defense_\ _against the present_\ _the present tense_ % id = "01H9JB094CPV3N30272TKSMQNC" - going crazy, going nuts. a dance of self-defense. against the present... the present tense. % id = "01H9JB094CAVH2H79B32V0AKXY" + you cannot stop the passage of time, but at least you're here right _now_. your time will be up one day, so while you're losing your mind... why not freak out a little too? % id = "01H9JB094CA5KG5H1VDSRVT3RB" + why not assert dominance by assaulting your friends with `uwu`s and `owo`s when they least expect it? % id = "01H9JB094CHP56MFNT73AWQP6D" - send (fluffy) Internet hugs while you're at it? % id = "01H9JB094CZ53VNV0K1HA7VY6B" + why not wear a horned headband to work for a few weeks; have some fun in your life for once? % id = "01H9JB094CWFR3NJMV933EVK7D" - (I'm actually doing this btw.) % id = "01H9JB094CDQZ8T1Q278B269M6" + why not just stop giving a shit about what other people think for a moment. they probably don't give a shit either. % id = "01H9JB094CH7JFBKQF6QZ6KPEB" - or if they do, tell them what _you_ think. tell them why you're freaking out like that. and be honest :) % id = "music/track/radiohead/daydreaming" + #### Daydreaming % id = "01H9JB094C0R4Y4ZS2MZFRZV1Q" - it's so soft it feels like you're floating on the surface of an endless lake, with nothing but clear water, you, and the endless blue sky. % id = "01H9JB094CRX525PM9G07ES9R7" - daydreaming, daydreaming, daydreaming... % id = "01H9JB094CN53APVVHTJ0JGF98" - lost in an endless stream of thoughts % id = "01H9JB094CY0F7XKG40MRSKQQD" - lost on the surface of the lake, looking at the sky % id = "01H9JB094CPT875M6C5AWM4YCM" + and daydream you will, forever % id = "01H9JB094CTN4XHRKFXDTG4WQ2" + always % id = "01H9JB094C0MKJ0NJ5EEWPC5TX" + if not right now, a time will come % id = "01H9JB094CRA07WTF2FT2ZAD1N" + and by the moment you realize... % id = "01H9JB094C3JEKHJ098QBBPACD" - the daydream is over, but it'll never be out. % id = "01H9JB094CXN4FWC6N2RZKWFDA" + try getting lost in your mind every once in a while. % id = "01H9JB094CPPZGX217BR6BAT4J" - get your headphones, sit down comfortably, play this song, and close your eyes. % id = "01H9JB094CXXHF5E6ABRAQF7GT" - and let yourself drift... across the endless blue lake. % id = "music/track/radiohead/ful-stop" + #### Ful Stop % id = "01H9JB094CPCV921YGVXNJGPHK" - I don't really have an interpretation of the lyrics, or the composition... but I really love the tension buildup. % id = "01H9JB094CT9KW5KYF9BEK3ER4" - I love buildups in general. and this one is balanced very well; it's the kind of rock track I like. full of amplified guitars, but not too loud.