% id = "01H8Y427B4ADTNBGZ6RJRC86XP" - this is the bit magic shift-twiddle wizardry zone % id = "01H8Y427B4WC1CF9RHPZPXE77W" - and also more than just bit magic but I like how that sounds % id = "programming/projects" content.link = "programming/projects" + ## projects % id = "01H9R1NKBQ9PEQT49XJZ6PB1KH" - (actually nothing here yet lol, I was about to write something here but forgot but now don't wanna delete a branch I'm gonna bring back again anyways) % content.link = "programming/cxx" id = "programming/cxx" + ## C++ % content.link = "programming/unreal-engine" id = "programming/unreal-engine" + ## Unreal Engine