use core::{cell::Cell, fmt, ops::Deref}; use alloc::vec::Vec; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Span { pub start: usize, pub end: usize, } impl Span { pub fn new(start: usize, end: usize) -> Self { Self { start, end } } pub fn slice<'a>(&self, source: &'a SourceCode) -> &'a str { &source.code[self.start..self.end] } } /// Source code string with a verified size limit. /// An exact size limit is not enforced by this type - it only ensures the string isn't longer than /// intended, to not stall the parser for an unexpected amount of time. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] #[repr(transparent)] pub struct SourceCode { code: str, } impl SourceCode { pub fn limited_len(code: &str, max_len: usize) -> Option<&Self> { if code.len() <= max_len { Some(Self::unlimited_len(code)) } else { None } } pub fn unlimited_len(code: &str) -> &Self { // SAFETY: SourceCode is a transparent wrapper around str, so converting between them is safe. unsafe { core::mem::transmute(code) } } } impl Deref for SourceCode { type Target = str; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.code } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct NodeId(usize); impl NodeId { pub const NIL: NodeId = NodeId(0); } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum NodeKind { Nil, Eof, // Atoms Ident, Number, List(NodeId, NodeId), Toplevel(NodeId), Error(&'static str), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Node { pub span: Span, pub kind: NodeKind, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Ast { pub nodes: Vec<Node>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum AstWriteMode { Compact, Spans, } impl Ast { pub fn new(capacity: usize) -> Self { assert!(capacity >= 1, "there must be space for at least a nil node"); let mut ast = Self { nodes: Vec::with_capacity(capacity), }; ast.alloc(Node { span: Span::new(0, 0), kind: NodeKind::Nil, }) .unwrap(); ast } pub fn alloc(&mut self, node: Node) -> Result<NodeId, NodeAllocError> { if self.nodes.len() >= self.nodes.capacity() { return Err(NodeAllocError); } let index = self.nodes.len(); self.nodes.push(node); Ok(NodeId(index)) } pub fn get(&self, node_id: NodeId) -> &Node { &self.nodes[node_id.0] } pub fn get_mut(&mut self, node_id: NodeId) -> &mut Node { &mut self.nodes[node_id.0] } pub fn write( &self, source: &SourceCode, node_id: NodeId, w: &mut dyn fmt::Write, mode: AstWriteMode, ) -> fmt::Result { #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn write_list( ast: &Ast, source: &SourceCode, w: &mut dyn fmt::Write, mode: AstWriteMode, mut head: NodeId, mut tail: NodeId, sep_element: &str, sep_tail: &str, ) -> fmt::Result { loop { write_rec(ast, source, w, mode, head)?; match ast.get(tail).kind { NodeKind::Nil => break, NodeKind::List(head2, tail2) => { w.write_str(sep_element)?; (head, tail) = (head2, tail2); } _ => { w.write_str(sep_tail)?; write_rec(ast, source, w, mode, tail)?; break; } } } Ok(()) } // NOTE: Separated out to a separate function in case we ever want to introduce auto-indentation. fn write_rec( ast: &Ast, source: &SourceCode, w: &mut dyn fmt::Write, mode: AstWriteMode, node_id: NodeId, ) -> fmt::Result { let node = ast.get(node_id); match &node.kind { NodeKind::Nil => write!(w, "()")?, NodeKind::Eof => write!(w, "<eof>")?, NodeKind::Ident | NodeKind::Number => write!(w, "{}", node.span.slice(source))?, NodeKind::List(head, tail) => { w.write_char('(')?; write_list(ast, source, w, mode, *head, *tail, " ", " . ")?; w.write_char(')')?; } NodeKind::Toplevel(list) => { let NodeKind::List(head, tail) = ast.get(*list).kind else { unreachable!("child of Toplevel must be a List"); }; write_list(ast, source, w, mode, head, tail, "\n", " . ")?; } NodeKind::Error(message) => write!(w, "#error({message})")?, } if mode == AstWriteMode::Spans { write!(w, "@{}..{}", node.span.start, node.span.end)?; } Ok(()) } write_rec(self, source, w, mode, node_id)?; Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct NodeAllocError; pub struct Parser<'a> { pub ast: Ast, input: &'a SourceCode, position: usize, fuel: Cell<usize>, alloc_error: NodeId, } impl<'a> Parser<'a> { const FUEL: usize = 256; pub fn new(mut ast: Ast, input: &'a SourceCode) -> Self { let alloc_error = ast .alloc(Node { span: Span::new(0, 0), kind: NodeKind::Error("program is too big"), }) .expect("there is not enough space in the arena for an error node"); Self { ast, input, position: 0, fuel: Cell::new(Self::FUEL), alloc_error, } } #[track_caller] pub fn current(&self) -> char { assert_ne!(self.fuel.get(), 0, "parser is stuck"); self.fuel.set(self.fuel.get() - 1); self.input[self.position..].chars().next().unwrap_or('\0') } pub fn advance(&mut self) { self.position += self.current().len_utf8(); self.fuel.set(Self::FUEL); } pub fn alloc(&mut self, expr: Node) -> NodeId { self.ast.alloc(expr).unwrap_or(self.alloc_error) } } pub fn skip_whitespace_and_comments(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { loop { match p.current() { ' ' | '\t' | '\n' => { p.advance(); continue; } ';' => { while p.current() != '\n' && p.current() != '\0' { p.advance(); } } _ => break, } } } fn is_decimal_digit(c: char) -> bool { c.is_ascii_digit() } pub fn parse_number(p: &mut Parser<'_>) -> NodeKind { while is_decimal_digit(p.current()) { p.advance(); } if p.current() == '.' { p.advance(); if !is_decimal_digit(p.current()) { return NodeKind::Error("missing digits after decimal point '.' in number literal"); } while is_decimal_digit(p.current()) { p.advance(); } } NodeKind::Number } fn is_ident(c: char) -> bool { // The identifier character set is quite limited to help with easy expansion in the future. // Rationale: // - alphabet and digits are pretty obvious // - '-' and '_' can be used for identifier separators, whichever you prefer. // - '+', '-', '*', '/', '^' are for arithmetic. // - '=', '!', '<', '>' are fore comparison. // - '\' is for builtin string constants, such as \n. // For other operators, it's generally clearer to use words (such as `and` and `or`.) matches!(c, 'a'..='z' | 'A'..='Z' | '0'..='9' | '-' | '_' | '+' | '*' | '/' | '\\' | '^' | '!' | '=' | '<' | '>') } pub fn parse_ident(p: &mut Parser<'_>) -> NodeKind { while is_ident(p.current()) { p.advance(); } NodeKind::Ident } struct List { head: NodeId, tail: NodeId, } impl List { fn new() -> Self { Self { head: NodeId::NIL, tail: NodeId::NIL, } } fn append(&mut self, p: &mut Parser<'_>, node: NodeId) { let node_span = p.ast.get(node).span; let new_tail = p.alloc(Node { span: node_span, kind: NodeKind::List(node, NodeId::NIL), }); if self.head == NodeId::NIL { self.head = new_tail; self.tail = new_tail; } else { let old_tail = p.ast.get_mut(self.tail); let NodeKind::List(expr_before, _) = old_tail.kind else { return; }; *old_tail = Node { span: Span::new(old_tail.span.start, node_span.end), kind: NodeKind::List(expr_before, new_tail), }; self.tail = new_tail; } } } pub fn parse_list(p: &mut Parser<'_>) -> NodeId { // This could've been a lot simpler if Rust supported tail recursion. let start = p.position; p.advance(); // skip past opening parenthesis skip_whitespace_and_comments(p); let mut list = List::new(); while p.current() != ')' { if p.current() == '\0' { return p.alloc(Node { span: Span::new(start, p.position), kind: NodeKind::Error("missing ')' to close '('"), }); } let expr = parse_expr(p); skip_whitespace_and_comments(p); list.append(p, expr); } p.advance(); // skip past closing parenthesis // If we didn't have any elements, we must not modify the initial Nil with ID 0. if list.head == NodeId::NIL { list.head = p.alloc(Node { span: Span::new(0, 0), kind: NodeKind::Nil, }); } let end = p.position; p.ast.get_mut(list.head).span = Span::new(start, end); list.head } pub fn parse_expr(p: &mut Parser<'_>) -> NodeId { let start = p.position; let kind = match p.current() { '\0' => NodeKind::Eof, c if is_decimal_digit(c) => parse_number(p), // NOTE: Because of the `match` order, this prevents identifiers from starting with a digit. c if is_ident(c) => parse_ident(p), '(' => return parse_list(p), _ => { p.advance(); NodeKind::Error("unexpected character") } }; let end = p.position; p.alloc(Node { span: Span::new(start, end), kind, }) } pub fn parse_toplevel(p: &mut Parser<'_>) -> NodeId { let start = p.position; let mut nodes = List::new(); skip_whitespace_and_comments(p); while p.current() != '\0' { let expr = parse_expr(p); skip_whitespace_and_comments(p); nodes.append(p, expr); } let end = p.position; p.alloc(Node { span: Span::new(start, end), kind: NodeKind::Toplevel(nodes.head), }) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use core::error::Error; use alloc::{boxed::Box, string::String}; use super::*; #[track_caller] fn parse( f: fn(&mut Parser<'_>) -> NodeId, source: &str, expected: &str, ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { let ast = Ast::new(16); let code = SourceCode::unlimited_len(source); let mut p = Parser::new(ast, code); let node = f(&mut p); let ast = p.ast; let mut s = String::new(); ast.write(code, node, &mut s, AstWriteMode::Spans)?; assert_eq!(s, expected); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_number() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { parse(parse_expr, "123", "123@0..3")?; parse(parse_expr, "123.456", "123.456@0..7")?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_ident() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { parse(parse_expr, "abc", "abc@0..3")?; parse(parse_expr, "abcABC_01234", "abcABC_01234@0..12")?; parse(parse_expr, "+-*/\\^!=<>", "+-*/\\^!=<>@0..10")?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_list() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { parse(parse_expr, "()", "()@0..2")?; parse(parse_expr, "(a a)", "(a@1..2 a@3..4)@0..5")?; parse(parse_expr, "(a a a)", "(a@1..2 a@3..4 a@5..6)@0..7")?; parse(parse_expr, "(() ())", "(()@1..3 ()@4..6)@0..7")?; parse( parse_expr, "(nestedy (nest OwO))", "(nestedy@1..8 (nest@10..14 OwO@15..18)@9..19)@0..20", )?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn oom() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { parse(parse_expr, "(a a a a a a a a)", "(a@1..2 a@3..4 a@5..6 a@7..8 a@9..10 a@11..12 a@13..14 . #error(program is too big)@0..0)@0..17")?; parse(parse_expr, "(a a a a a a a a a)", "(a@1..2 a@3..4 a@5..6 a@7..8 a@9..10 a@11..12 a@13..14 . #error(program is too big)@0..0)@0..19")?; parse(parse_expr, "(a a a a a a a a a a)", "(a@1..2 a@3..4 a@5..6 a@7..8 a@9..10 a@11..12 a@13..14 . #error(program is too big)@0..0)@0..21")?; parse(parse_expr, "(a a a a a a a a a a a)", "(a@1..2 a@3..4 a@5..6 a@7..8 a@9..10 a@11..12 a@13..14 . #error(program is too big)@0..0)@0..23")?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn toplevel() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { parse( parse_toplevel, r#" (hello world) (abc) "#, "(hello@18..23 world@24..29)@17..30\n(abc@48..51)@47..52@0..65", )?; Ok(()) } }