import { listen } from "./framework.js"; import { Viewport } from "./viewport.js"; class CanvasRenderer extends HTMLElement { viewport = new Viewport(); constructor() { super(); } connectedCallback() { this.canvas = this.appendChild(document.createElement("canvas")); this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); let resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(() => this.#updateSize()); resizeObserver.observe(this); this.#cursorReportingBehaviour(); this.#panningBehaviour(); this.#zoomingBehaviour(); this.#paintingBehaviour(); this.addEventListener("contextmenu", (event) => event.preventDefault()); } initialize(wall, painter) { this.wall = wall; this.painter = painter; requestAnimationFrame(() => this.#render()); } #updateSize() { this.canvas.width = this.clientWidth; this.canvas.height = this.clientHeight; // Rerender immediately after the canvas is resized, as its contents have now been invalidated. this.#render(); } getWindowSize() { return { width: this.clientWidth, height: this.clientHeight, }; } #render() { // NOTE: We should probably render on-demand only when it's needed. requestAnimationFrame(() => this.#render()); this.#renderWall(); } getVisibleRect() { return this.viewport.getVisibleRect(this.getWindowSize()); } getVisibleChunkRect() { let visibleRect = this.viewport.getVisibleRect(this.getWindowSize()); let left = Math.floor(visibleRect.x / this.wall.chunkSize); let top = Math.floor(visibleRect.y / this.wall.chunkSize); let right = Math.ceil((visibleRect.x + visibleRect.width) / this.wall.chunkSize); let bottom = Math.ceil((visibleRect.y + visibleRect.height) / this.wall.chunkSize); return { left, top, right, bottom }; } #renderWall() { if (this.wall == null) { console.debug("wall is not available, skipping rendering"); return; } this.ctx.fillStyle = "white"; this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);; this.ctx.translate(Math.floor(this.clientWidth / 2), Math.floor(this.clientHeight / 2)); this.ctx.scale(this.viewport.zoom, this.viewport.zoom); this.ctx.translate(-this.viewport.panX, -this.viewport.panY); let visibleRect = this.viewport.getVisibleRect(this.getWindowSize()); let left = Math.floor(visibleRect.x / this.wall.chunkSize); let top = Math.floor(visibleRect.y / this.wall.chunkSize); let right = Math.ceil((visibleRect.x + visibleRect.width) / this.wall.chunkSize); let bottom = Math.ceil((visibleRect.y + visibleRect.height) / this.wall.chunkSize); for (let chunkY = top; chunkY < bottom; ++chunkY) { for (let chunkX = left; chunkX < right; ++chunkX) { let x = chunkX * this.wall.chunkSize; let y = chunkY * this.wall.chunkSize; let chunk = this.wall.getChunk(chunkX, chunkY); if (chunk != null) { this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; this.ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; this.ctx.drawImage(chunk.canvas, x, y); } } } this.ctx.restore(); if (this.ctx.brushPreview != null) { this.ctx.drawImage(this.ctx.brushPreview, 0, 0); } } async #cursorReportingBehaviour() { while (true) { let event = await listen([this, "mousemove"]); let [x, y] = this.viewport.toViewportSpace( event.clientX - this.clientLeft, event.offsetY - this.clientTop, this.getWindowSize(), ); this.dispatchEvent(Object.assign(new Event(".cursor"), { x, y })); } } async #panningBehaviour() { while (true) { let mouseDown = await listen([this, "mousedown"]); if (mouseDown.button == 1 || mouseDown.button == 2) { mouseDown.preventDefault(); while (true) { let event = await listen([window, "mousemove"], [window, "mouseup"]); if (event.type == "mousemove") { this.viewport.panAround(event.movementX, event.movementY); this.dispatchEvent(new Event(".viewportUpdate")); } else if (event.type == "mouseup" && event.button == mouseDown.button) { this.dispatchEvent(new Event(".viewportUpdateEnd")); break; } } } } } async #zoomingBehaviour() { while (true) { let event = await listen([this, "wheel"]); // TODO: Touchpad zoom this.viewport.zoomIn(event.deltaY > 0 ? -1 : 1); this.dispatchEvent(new Event(".viewportUpdate")); this.dispatchEvent(new Event(".viewportUpdateEnd")); } } async #paintingBehaviour() { const paint = (x, y) => { let [wallX, wallY] = this.viewport.toViewportSpace(x, y, this.getWindowSize()); this.dispatchEvent(Object.assign(new Event(".paint"), { x: wallX, y: wallY })); }; while (true) { let mouseDown = await listen([this, "mousedown"]); if (mouseDown.button == 0) { paint(mouseDown.offsetX, mouseDown.offsetY); while (true) { let event = await listen([window, "mousemove"], [window, "mouseup"]); if (event.type == "mousemove") { paint(event.clientX - this.clientLeft, event.offsetY - this.clientTop); } else if (event.type == "mouseup") { break; } } } } } } customElements.define("rkgk-canvas-renderer", CanvasRenderer);