diff --git a/content/design.tree b/content/design.tree
index 1e6adcc..1c3cfd3 100644
--- a/content/design.tree
+++ b/content/design.tree
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ this branch is about that.
             % id = "01HQ8KV8RWS99XKPBKCTZ3NEJM"
             - that ain't default behavior. :hat_smug:
+% content.link = "design/freehouse"
++ :page: idea: freeing the hobby corners
 % content.link = "design/for-the-free-soul"
   id = "01JG6Y6H0JY3EZXQ3ZMQ5154V4"
 + :page: design for the free soul
@@ -42,3 +46,4 @@ this branch is about that.
diff --git a/content/design/freehouse.tree b/content/design/freehouse.tree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..716a1aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/design/freehouse.tree
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+%% title = "idea: freeing the hobby corners"
+% id = "01JHGX51XQMBYYQ5VCV427N169"
+- also known as, _freehouse_.
+- I've been thinking recently that with the current way pages are categorised on my website, things are beginning to get surprisingly inflexible for myself!
+    % id = "01JHGX4H8GE6BND3EHH1R38P7P"
+    + for instance, sometimes I wanna write about stuff that's outside my usual five _programming_, _design_, _music_, _games_, and _philosophy_.
+        % id = "01JHGXGC0MJYVC32BCPT658GWY"
+        - I'm also visiting Japan in the coming months, and there's no category that could fit that!
+            % id = "01JHGXGC0MFHM9K0FF9W2XW8XH"
+            - _and_ as I'm learning Japanese, I might want to start writing Japanese posts for practice.
+            they're probably not gonna be very good, but who cares.
+            it's not like these are very good either.
+    % id = "01JHGX4H8G0JYB2Z0HD5SQYNQF"
+    - I've been writing a bunch of stuff that sits on the border _between_ these categories too, and it feels _wrong_ to have a page fit only a single category.
+        % id = "01JHGX4H8GZT1H12PB65XBGD4C"
+        - it's not like I _can't_ put pages into separate categories, but it just _feels wrong_.
+% id = "01JHGX4H8G41VW3EX0JK9FQ8P9"
+- so I've been thinking, what could I do to make this problem... y'know, _less_ of a problem?
+% id = "01JHGX4H8GCK6AM0M1Q20X86JV"
+- one idea that immediately comes to mind is to switch all these categories into tags, together with a fuzzy search system.
+    % id = "01JHGX4H8G4PTRV34MW9JRW98W"
+    - I already have a tagging system for feeds---governed by a simple list in my config TOML:
+    ```toml
+    [feed]
+    tags = [
+        # Hobby corners
+        "meow",
+        "programming",
+        "design",
+        "music",
+        "games",
+        "philosophy",
+        # Programming fields
+        "graphics",
+        "plt",
+        # Programming languages
+        "c",
+        "cxx",
+        "lua",
+        "javascript",
+        # Projects
+        "treehouse",
+        "haku",
+    ]
+    ```
+        % id = "01JHGX4H8GGKCJRE9696HTTHQQ"
+        - these tags are an exhaustive list of tags allowed to be entered into my Atom feed.
+        the theory was that, when you subbed to my Atom, you'd be able to tell your reader to filter out tags you're not interested in---but that doesn't really work, since interpreting tags doesn't seem like a common feature in readers.
+    % id = "01JHGX4H8G76GT123SKT9HRFH7"
+    - my problem begins at the _home page_---how the heck do we organise the entries there?
+        % id = "01JHGX4H8G2MHS10CJJDABD6CD"
+        - perhaps leave it as is, but make the subbranches dynamic?
+        as in, each of _programming_, _design_, _music_, _games_, and _shower_ would have its contents replaced with a list of posts containing each of their respective tags, together with search boxes that'd let you filter through them further.
+            % id = "01JHGYRBZH7PJZ6DTGQXHX11EZ"
+            - maybe even little toggleable chips to filter out other tags.
+        % id = "01JHGX4H8G3PXSVMBBQA4R9G1C"
+        - maybe on wide screens, we could make the hobby corners (or, _major categories_) viewable in columns?
+            % id = "01JHGX4H8GG4XX06SPAFXAVJEY"
+            - maybe you could fold and expand those columns, and they would persist across page visits?
+            that would be a nice and implicit way of subscribing to certain tags.
+                % id = "01JHGX4H8G0B5YX6G3QZRKYN5T"
+                - maybe based on which categories you're subscribed to, you'd be able to generate a customised feed?
+% id = "01JHGX8YZJFM11VAD1GZ3SD1VT"
+- I've also been thinking, maybe for each category we could have a little chibi [riki][pic:01J7S732AYP596VTRZGEA57Q17] sitting in the corner and doing various things?
+    % id = "01JHGX8YZJZJXZXX19QAX6VQFP"
+    - that'd be a humongous challenge for my art skills but it'd be super cute.
+- all things to think about and tinker with.
+maybe I'll come up with an implementation over the coming days.
diff --git a/content/treehouse/new.tree b/content/treehouse/new.tree
index 357e062..9d05821 100644
--- a/content/treehouse/new.tree
+++ b/content/treehouse/new.tree
@@ -25,6 +25,13 @@ if you've been wondering what I've been up to, you've come to the right place.
         if you want to read any of the posts, follow the links.
         it's like that by design.
+% tags = ["design", "treehouse"]
+  id = "01JHGYTZN196N51ZBS4MZGHJ73"
+- ### [idea: freeing the hobby corners][page:design/freehouse]
+    % id = "01JHGYTZN1NDXBSG4K5HJ8SRAM"
+    - exploring the idea of aggregating pages via tags, rather than manually curating and structuring them out.
 % tags = ["meow", "philosophy"]
 - ### [nickname change!][page:philosophy/riki]
@@ -374,3 +381,4 @@ if you've been wondering what I've been up to, you've come to the right place.