From 7cf5fbf843c90ef5e2c773e09d0df6c9d958ff37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=E3=83=AA=E3=82=AD=E8=90=8C?= <>
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2025 22:31:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] add Lua classes tutorial

 content/programming/lua/classes.tree | 495 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 content/treehouse/new.tree           |  20 ++
 static/syntax/lua.json               |   4 +-
 3 files changed, 517 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 content/programming/lua/classes.tree

diff --git a/content/programming/lua/classes.tree b/content/programming/lua/classes.tree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf9dfc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/programming/lua/classes.tree
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+%% title = "implementing classes in Lua"
+% id = "01JKKQHG5DHSAN8FNC27WM0RE5"
+- while reading Lua, you may have stumbled upon something that looks like this:
+-- Declare a base `Entity` class...
+local Entity = Object:inherit()
+function Entity:tick() end
+function Entity:draw() end
+-- and an inheriting `Player` class.
+local Player = Entity:inherit()
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DDM42QXJ6RQJ6MYGG"
+    - this is the way people generally do object-oriented programming in the language.
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DAM1JSKSHDPPT5DZ3"
+    - for someone coming from a language like Java, where classes are a syntactic construct---`class Cat extends Animal`---it can feel weird to see them declared this way---as local variables, using regular functions to implement inheritance.
+        % id = "01JKKQHG5DJEJ6EM5NM24EWZW0"
+        - but worry not!
+        this tutorial will hopefully clear up any confusion you might have, using beginner-friendly language, and simple examples.
+% id = "01JKKQHG5D3M7RY6D9EXMXEB3P"
+- ### metatables
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DX4PEJ1GW27S257T3"
+    - before we start, we need to talk about *metatables*.
+    these are Lua's way of allowing users to _overload operators_.
+        % id = "01JKKQHG5DBRZA5EAF7D6C11KA"
+        - operators include arithmetic: `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, but also things like indexing tables `a[b]`, creating new indices in tables `a[b] = c`, or function calls `a(b, c, d)`.
+        % id = "01JKKQHG5DWNC80HZAXXQ9JR7Z"
+        - we call it operator _overloading_, because we _overload_ the default meaning of the operator with our own, custom definition.
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5D62EMCSEPTQAN82XH"
+    - we can set the metatable of a table using [`setmetatable(t, metatable)`](
+        % id = "01JKKQHG5D86T78ESRTQBEJ5T4"
+        - the `metatable` is another table, that contains fields for overriding these operators.
+            % id = "01JKKQHG5DMCH6P2X8C23EHKW0"
+            - the most important field of metatables we'll be focusing on today is `__index`, which defines a _fallback_ for the `a[b]` operator---and by extension, also `a.b`, which is syntactic sugar for `a["b"]`.
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DCNFHQ72NGAE4T12D"
+    - #### `__index`
+        % id = "01JKKQHG5DXTZDGY9CHH456388"
+        - the `__index` field is used when an otherwise `nil` field is accessed in a table.
+        consider this:
+        ```lua
+        local t = { a = 1 }
+        print(t.b) --> nil
+        ```
+        % id = "01JKKQHG5DR51DKCN70ZJAGBM1"
+        - in this case, `t` does not have a metatable with `__index`, so `nil` is returned.
+        to change this behaviour, we override `__index` by telling Lua a function to run whenever the key doesn't exist.
+        ```lua
+        local fallback = { b = 2 }
+        setmetatable(t, {
+            -- The first argument is the table that's indexed, and the second argument is the index,
+            -- i.e. the arguments map to `the_table[index]`.
+            __index = function (the_table, index)
+                return fallback[index]
+            end,
+        })
+        print(t.b) --> 2
+        ```
+        % id = "01JKKQHG5DG2EGZTBEZ38YK8KW"
+        - however, there is a more compact and faster way of doing this.
+        `__index` is special, because in addition to being able to set it to a function, we can also set it to a table:
+        ```lua
+        setmetatable(t, {
+            __index = fallback,
+        })
+        print(t.b) --> 2
+        ```
+        this avoids the need to allocate a local function, which can be costly if you run it many times in a game loop!
+- ### method call syntax
+    - there's one thing we need to get out of the way before we move on, and that is Lua's _method call syntax_ `a:method(b)`.
+    this syntax is equivalent to:
+    ```lua
+    a.method(a, b)
+    ```
+        % id = "01JKKQHG5D35F2P45MA33QNAER"
+        - basically, the thing before `:` is passed as the first argument to the thing before `:`'s `method` function.
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DC2MDYZ9M07ZZ8J9D"
+    - Lua also has a syntax sugar for declaring functions on tables:
+    ```lua
+    local t = {}
+    function t.do_stuff()
+        print("hi")
+    end
+    ```
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DTF67PWWTWPFMYT6Q"
+    - to complement the `:` call syntax, there's also the `:` function declaration syntax.
+    ```lua
+    function t:do_thing()
+ = 1
+    end
+    -- desugars to
+    function t.do_thing(self)
+ = 1
+    end
+    ```
+    as this example shows, this syntax simply inserts a parameter named `self` before all other parameters.
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5D2QEHBJ32NF0VCFEX"
+    - the call and declaration syntaxes are not tied together in any way, so the dot and colon syntax could be mixed however one wants, but it's probably better not to.
+        % id = "01JKKQHG5DNY2EPFN195KYJVEW"
+        - bear in mind that your function declarations also serve the purpose of documentation, and using the `:` syntax in declarations makes it clearer you're supposed to call the functions with the `:` syntax.
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DY4JZDZTB5B7W9D8N"
+    - with that knowledge, we can move on to creating classes.
+- ### classes
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5D4M3K6D4ECF2M2QFD"
+    - we can use `__index` fallback tables to model classes quite easily.
+    - let's create a class `Cat` with two methods `meow` and `feed`:
+    ```lua
+    local Cat = {}
+    function Cat:meow()
+        print("meow")
+    end
+    function Cat:feed()
+ = + 1
+    end
+    ```
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DWP99Q74Q62RVS176"
+    - we also need a method for creating cats, which I'll call `new`:
+    ```lua
+    function Cat:new()
+        local cat = {}
+ = 10
+        return cat
+    end
+    ```
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DDVYTWXZYS711DVWT"
+    - we can now use the API like this:
+    ```lua
+    local kitty = Cat:new()
+    Cat.meow(kitty)
+    Cat.feed(kitty)
+    print( --> 11
+    ```
+    but, note how we have to namespace the `Cat` functions specifically, and we cannot use the `:` method call operator yet.
+    the table returned by `Cat:new()` does not have the methods `meow` and `feed` for that to work.
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5D0KT6YAR9MWAC00N0"
+    - so to provide it with these methods, we can use our handy `__index` metamethod:
+    ```lua
+    function Cat:new()
+        local cat = {}
+ = 10
+        -- setmetatable returns its first argument. How convenient!
+        return setmetatable(cat, { __index = Cat })
+    end
+    ```
+    - _now_ we'll be able to create cats that can meow on their own:
+    ```lua
+    kitty = Cat:new()
+    kitty:meow()
+    kitty:feed()
+    print( --> 11
+    ```
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DK3S08JBG24970YV6"
+    - however, creating an extra metatable every single time we create a cat is pretty inefficient!
+    we can exploit the fact that Lua doesn't really care about metatable fields it doesn't know about, and make `Cat` itself into a metatable:
+    ```lua
+    Cat.__index = Cat
+    function Cat:new()
+        local cat = {}
+ = 10
+        return setmetatable(cat, Cat)
+    end
+    ```
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DYG4C3Y5H4WEYQ025"
+    - but note how we've declared `Cat:new` with the special method syntax.
+    we call the method like `Cat:new()`, which desugars to ``, which means that the implicit `self` parameter _is_ already the `Cat` table!
+    thus, we can simplify the call to `setmetatable`, to remove the redundant reference to `Cat`:
+    ```lua
+        return setmetatable(cat, self)
+    ```
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5D1ZTAT0JPNPWDE2WC"
+    - with all these improvements, here's how the code looks so far.
+    ```lua
+    local Cat = {}
+    Cat.__index = Cat
+    function Cat:new()
+        local cat = {}
+ = 10
+        return setmetatable(cat, self)
+    end
+    function Cat:meow()
+        print("meow!")
+    end
+    function Cat:feed()
+ = + 1
+    end
+    ```
+- ### inheritance
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DB3JWK6YCG1N47JZ1"
+    - given this fairly simple way of creating classes, we can now expand this idea to inheritance.
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5D7N0A33S109YF2NV6"
+    - conceptually, inheriting from a class is pretty simple: what we want to do, is to have all of the parent class's methods available on the child class.
+    I think you might see where this is going now: all we need to do to create a subclass, is to create a new class, whose metatable's `__index` points to the parent class.
+    - let's rewrite our example with the kitty to generalise animals under a single class:
+    ```
+    Animal
+    - food: integer
+    : speak()
+    : feed()
+    Cat : Animal
+    : speak()
+    ```
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5D4PZMTFRFV4T6HSA1"
+    - so, starting with the base `Animal` class...
+    ```lua
+    local Animal = {}
+    Animal.__index = Animal
+    -- We don't create a `new` method, because we don't want people creating "generic" animals.
+    -- This makes our class _abstract_.
+    -- speak is a function that must be overridden by all subclasses, so we make it error by default.
+    function Animal:speak() error("not implemented") end
+    function Animal:feed()
+ = + 1
+    end
+    ```
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5D0ENDQ5QQTBAA79GQ"
+    - we can define a `Cat` class as a subclass of `Animal`:
+    ```lua
+    local Cat = {}
+    -- We still need to override __index, so that the metatable we set in our own constructor
+    -- has our overridden `speak()` method. 
+    Cat.__index = Cat
+    -- To be able to call `Animal` methods from `Cat`, we set it as its metatable.
+    -- Remember that `Animal.__index == Animal`.
+    setmetatable(Cat, Animal)
+    function Cat:new()
+        -- Ultra-shorthand way of initializing a class instance!
+        -- No need to declare any temporary locals, we can pass the table into `setmetatable`
+        -- right away.
+        return setmetatable({
+            food = 1,
+        }, self)
+    end
+    -- Don't forget to override speak(), otherwise calling it will error out!
+    function Cat:speak()
+        print("meow")
+    end
+    ```
+        % id = "01JKKQHG5DCHD37G3WKEBJA5Z6"
+        - note now that declaring `speak` _does not modify `Animal`_.
+        for that, we would need to set the _`__newindex`_ metatable field on the `Animal`, not just `__index`.
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5D08QQ8XSXBRMCDV26"
+    - now we can create instances of the `Cat`, and it will inherit the `feed` method from `Animal`:
+    ```lua
+    local kitty = Cat:new()
+    kitty:speak()
+    kitty:feed()
+    print( --> 2
+    ```
+% id = "01JKKQHG5DYZW7W7Q9H75HN8BM"
+- ### generalising
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DTATR750GQ2S7EAPF"
+    - with all this, we are now ready to pack this subclassing functionality into a nicer package.
+    speaking of packages, let's create a module `class.lua`:
+    ```lua
+    local Class = {}
+    Class.__index = Class
+    return Class
+    ```
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DFTHS8P07T3KET5F8"
+    - now, let's create a method for inheriting from the class.
+    ```lua
+    -- insert above `return Class`
+    function Class:inherit()
+        local Subclass = {}
+        Subclass.__index = Subclass
+        -- Note how `self` in this instance is the parent class, as we call the method like `SomeClass:inherit()`.
+        setmetatable(Subclass, self)
+        return Subclass
+    end
+    ```
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DTAK0EA4PR6JX2GV8"
+    - this is going to let us cleanly inherit from classes, without needing to copy and paste all the `__index` and `setmetatable` boilerplate:
+    ```lua
+    local Class = require "class"
+    local Sub = Class:inherit()
+    ```
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DKY7ZFWA42D9NJ49C"
+    - the other boilerplaty bit was initialisation, so let's take care of that:
+    ```lua
+    -- insert below the `end` of `function Class:inherit()`
+    -- By default, let's make the base `Class` impossible to instantiate.
+    -- This should catch bugs if a subclass forgets to override `initialize`. 
+    function Class:initialize()
+        error("this class cannot be initialized")
+    end
+    -- `...` is Lua's notation for collecting a variable number of arguments
+    function Class:new(...)
+        local instance = {}
+        -- `self` is the class we're instantiating, as this method is called like `MyClass:new()`
+        setmetatable(instance, self)
+        -- We pass the instance to the class's `initialize()` method, along with all the arguments
+        -- we received in `new()`.
+        self.initialize(instance, ...)
+        return instance
+    end
+    ```
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5D8VD9E0SXCY337D3W"
+    - having that, we can now rewrite our `Animal` example to use our super-simple class library.
+    ```lua
+    local Class = require "class"
+    ---
+    local Animal = Class:inherit()
+    -- We'll provide a convenience function for implementers, for initialising the food value,
+    -- as well as any other base fields that may come up.
+    function Animal:_initialize()
+ = 1
+    end
+    function Animal:speak()
+        error("unimplemented")
+    end
+    function Animal:feed()
+ = + 1
+    end
+    ---
+    local Cat = Animal:inherit()
+    -- Don't forget that our initialize() method errors by default, so it has to be overridden.
+    function Cat:initialize()
+        self:_initialize()
+    end
+    function Cat:speak()
+        print("meow")
+    end
+    ```
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DFS98T9X8A8SPYXCT"
+    - having a nice class library like this makes things a lot more convenient.
+    no longer do we have to mess with raw metatables!
+    all we need to do is call `inherit()` or `new()`, and the magic is done for us.
+    ```lua
+    local kitty = Cat:new()
+    kitty:speak()
+    kitty:feed()
+    print(
+    ```
+% id = "01JKKQHG5DSR2Z0XGW6W2H97NH"
+- ### wrapping up
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DANR0QF460EHKAWMP"
+    - if you followed this tutorial from beginning to end, you now have a simple library for object-oriented programming in Lua, which supports creating classes, and inheriting from them.
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DMCXV1VT37Z8M7P5G"
+    - to further your understanding, you may want to think about the following:
+        % id = "01JKKQHG5DRF6RVFG4P9XYDXZZ"
+        - how would you call the superclass's implementation of a method?
+        can you think of ways to make it convenient and easy to remember?
+        % id = "01JKKQHG5DQW7G1HDWYGX4WEYC"
+        - our class library implements a Ruby-style `Object:new(args)` function for constructing new instances of our class.
+        Python however, uses the syntax `Object(args)` for constructing instances of objects. 
+        can you think of a way to make our class library use the Python-style syntax?
+        % id = "01JKKQHG5D7QN029A3F1B6SYC2"
+        - define a 2D vector class using our class library.
+        can you think of a way to make use of Lua's native `+`, `-`, `*`, `/` math operators instead of named methods `:add()`, `:sub()`, `:mul()`, `:div()`?
+        % id = "01JKKQHG5DJP0C1V8K2BQBD6G2"
+        - try implementing an `object:instanceof(Class)` function, which checks that an object instance inherits from a given class.
+        % id = "01JKKQHG5DN41D9BME6JXJ3R86"
+        - Lua is a minimalistic, multi-paradigm language.
+        can you think of any benefits and drawbacks towards doing object-oriented programming in Lua?
+            % id = "01JKKQHG5DNRKVQJAVN4KP608R"
+            - what are some problems for which this style of programming would lend itself as particularly good?
+            % id = "01JKKQHG5D6TY9QSCQGEQWMZGM"
+            - and similarly, what are some areas in which this style might not work so well?
+% id = "01JKKQHG5DFNRGD6D17RHB3S22"
+- ### further reading
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DDB411SKNFA8M7K2B"
+    - you may wanna check these out for additional reference.
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5DRWGGE7GE3GMCB7E8"
+    - [the Lua documentation on metatables]('s lots of other operators you can overload!
+    % id = "01JKKQHG5D3PQZY439H61FN27V"
+    - [rxi's `classic`]( module---it's an example of a good, but small class library that has all the features you'd ever need.
diff --git a/content/treehouse/new.tree b/content/treehouse/new.tree
index edaec9b..7994c8a 100644
--- a/content/treehouse/new.tree
+++ b/content/treehouse/new.tree
@@ -26,7 +26,26 @@ if you've been wondering what I've been up to, you've come to the right place.
         if you want to read any of the posts, follow the links.
         it's like that by design.
+% tags = ["programming", "lua"]
+  id = "01JKKQZRSG5ZRNH530D75E2660"
+- ### [implementing classes in Lua][page:programming/lua/classes]
+    % id = "01JKKQZRSGXT99FJ7V3BGKE2D5"
+    - one of my absolutely favourite parts of Lua is how tiny, but capable it is.
+    did you know you could implement object-oriented programming without needing any additional syntactic support?
+    % id = "01JKKQZRSGMN81PXJWGP5Y17WY"
+    - this is a remaster of an [old tutorial I published as a Gist]( to explain how object-oriented programming works in Lua to someone on the [LÖVE]( Discord server.
+        % id = "01JKKQZRSGMW486TGSXQVM8FV3"
+        - thus there's a high likelihood you've never read it.
+        however, I think it's a pretty nice tutorial, so I'm republishing it here outside the shackles of GitHub.
+        % id = "01JKKQZRSGNA5NRXR5H6WPZKWA"
+        - and the programming trickery in it might just open your third eye a bit, so you should read it even if you're not into Lua!
 % id = "01JK5SN2ZBDZTFZ27J3KNT4SQV"
+  tags = ["music"]
 - ### [Floating Points - Tilt Shift / Ablaze][page:music/tilt-shift-ablaze]
     % id = "01JK5SNYKRK08F5DJM4JGBK4C4"
@@ -38,6 +57,7 @@ if you've been wondering what I've been up to, you've come to the right place.
     so that I can remember, and so the world can see, too...
+  tags = ["music"]
 - ### [The Flashbulb - Flacks / aBliss][page:music/flacks]
diff --git a/static/syntax/lua.json b/static/syntax/lua.json
index 9a34a80..ddeaaa2 100644
--- a/static/syntax/lua.json
+++ b/static/syntax/lua.json
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
         { "regex": "0[xX]\\.[0-9a-fA-F]+([pP][-+]?[0-9]+)?", "is": "literal" },
-            "regex": "[0-9][0-9_]+(\\.[0-9_]*([eE][-+]?[0-9_]+)?)?",
+            "regex": "[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)?",
             "is": "literal"
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
         { "regex": "\\.\\.\\.", "is": "punct" },
-        { "regex": "[+=/*^%#<>~.-]+", "is": "operator" },
+        { "regex": "[+=/*^%#<>~.:-]+", "is": "operator" },
             "regex": "([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\\(",
             "is": {