diff --git a/content/treehouse/new.tree b/content/treehouse/new.tree
index 7994c8a..58875ec 100644
--- a/content/treehouse/new.tree
+++ b/content/treehouse/new.tree
@@ -26,6 +26,13 @@ if you've been wondering what I've been up to, you've come to the right place.
         if you want to read any of the posts, follow the links.
         it's like that by design.
+% tags = ["programming", "cxx"]
+  id = "01JN72M4EXSR6M120A6CW2D0X7"
+- ### [C++ without Classes][page:programming/cxx-without-classes]
+    % id = "01JN72M4EXADCGY5DFS274KBTF"
+    - a joke I cracked at work, except what if I told you I was actually serious.
 % tags = ["programming", "lua"]
   id = "01JKKQZRSG5ZRNH530D75E2660"
 - ### [implementing classes in Lua][page:programming/lua/classes]