diff --git a/content/philosophy.tree b/content/philosophy.tree index 6f024bd..1f0317e 100644 --- a/content/philosophy.tree +++ b/content/philosophy.tree @@ -21,9 +21,11 @@ - there's a reason I don't include these branches in [page:treehouse/new][] alright % content.link = "philosophy/furry" + id = "01JCGVBXVME8DC9T79GQPXFZ3C" + :page: furry! ---w--- % content.link = "philosophy/fear-of-the-unknown" + id = "01JCGVBXVMAENDV2T47XH7Y534" + :page: fear of the unknown % content.link = "philosophy/nicknames" diff --git a/content/philosophy/fear-of-the-unknown.tree b/content/philosophy/fear-of-the-unknown.tree index 76476aa..5469179 100644 --- a/content/philosophy/fear-of-the-unknown.tree +++ b/content/philosophy/fear-of-the-unknown.tree @@ -1,17 +1,24 @@ %% title = "fear of the unknown" +% id = "01JCGVBXW41374C1TEEYH8245B" + no matter how long you live, you will always live in fear. + % id = "01JCGVBXW4FCXR0EVM27FJGEQ5" - that's your survival instinct speaking. +% id = "01JCGVBXW4DGDF7GJDBS93EDZ6" - *as long as you're learning, you can never truly be comfortable.* + % id = "01JCGVBXW4Y4NQ0SMFF7Z443HW" + learning new things requires changing yourself, and changing yourself means overcoming fear of the unknown. + % id = "01JCGVBXW40VH024AZ9A3X6XYD" - (absorbing knowledge is not the same as learning.) +% id = "01JCGVBXW4MBXMABNA2165JQAB" - this is pretty scary when you think about it. do you mean I'll never be comfortable [being a furry][page:philosophy/furry]? + % id = "01JCGVBXW4GV5K0Z0JN6X285CN" - well yeah, basically yeah. only way is that you can become comfortable with certain _parts_ of the experience, by simply experiencing them and teaching your mind [it's okay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcBLUIov1_I){.secret}. diff --git a/content/philosophy/furry.tree b/content/philosophy/furry.tree index 441e178..94f0747 100644 --- a/content/philosophy/furry.tree +++ b/content/philosophy/furry.tree @@ -1,116 +1,160 @@ %% title = "furry! —w—" +% id = "01JCGVBXW35X3965J2MJQH1AFY" - I like fur! it's really pleasant to the touch. + % id = "01JCGVBXW33C28FCCRNYK3V7R8" + if I could, I would hug out all the cats in the world. unfortunately I'm allergic to cats, but at least I can imagine the enjoyment. + % id = "01JCGVBXW3274DTJ2MWPE4GD1F" - actually, I _do_ hug my parents' cats somewhat regularly when I visit them. it's just that I get a rash 5 minutes after hugging them to my face :oh: + % id = "01JCGVBXW3Q323ZBX67HXHWESS" - honestly, it makes me think life would be a lot more pleasant if at least some of us had fur irl. so why don't we? + % id = "01JCGVBXW37XJBSF97N2060QQA" - biology, evolution, and all that boring stuff of course... + % id = "01JCGVBXW3QRDR9GN2JWYBJEP7" - thankfully on the Internet, anything goes. I can imagine. I can create. I can be whatever I want to be. +% id = "01JCGVBXW3K9TKACCB968HQHGF" - [_this dance is like a weapon of self-defense against the present tense_](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPAZV8y4B44){.secret} + % id = "01JCGVBXW3D6B4J26CRCMNT89G" + realising my love of fur has been a huge source of internal conflicts for some time. + % id = "01JCGVBXW3TM2GYZC8TYMVNG7Q" - overcoming [fear of the unknown][page:philosophy/fear-of-the-unknown] isn't exactly the most easy or pleasant mental exercise. + % id = "01JCGVBXW37T30TE0CX666V6SX" - but being able to imagine I'm a humanoid cat lets me not worry about actual deficiencies of my body. + % id = "01JCGVBXW3PSJQKE47W4V80573" - I was born with atopic dermatitis, and my skin has always been a source of problems. + % id = "01JCGVBXW3YNMNX5GSHG0JV7TP" + in early childhood I'd get horrible rashes, sometimes so painful and graphic I do not want to describe them here. + % id = "01JCGVBXW3NMXT5VKNVQV5ZB58" - especially before doctors recommended me good emollients to moisturise my skin with. my atopic dermatitis manifests itself as intense itching and skin dryness; moisturising is important in making it bearable + % id = "01JCGVBXW3821VMRGFXCX56Q2N" - some kids would ask me "what happened to you?" out of curiosity. I'd respond "nothing, it's just my illness." + % id = "01JCGVBXW31BMFQV0N99DDNYAM" - nowadays I take experimental meds which lower the symptoms to a manageable level. I actually started liking how I look after I started undergoing treatment. probably because my skin isn't inflamed all the damn time, so I can shift my focus from my face feeling red hot to actually appreciating how it looks. +% id = "01JCGVBXW39F45GMZBAS60SS87" - I view being a furry not as a rejection of my body, but rather as an augmentation of it. + % id = "01JCGVBXW3KWAM94XK8ZJVXFCS" - this is more or less why my fursona is so mundane. it's just me with cat features ---w--- + % id = "01JCGVBXW3CFG4BW44BM10X19M" + I have an anime human-looking face rather than a snout. I think it's cuter that way :3 + % id = "01JCGVBXW30QMQ4R9PKBJ8ZCQ2" - technically anime-style faces _do_ resemble snouts slightly; they're just very short. (how fitting for a cat.) + % id = "01JCGVBXW3RF3V7B9ATGGEV8ES" - there are lots of cool things about the human body. the motor skill of your hands is kind of insane. unless you have some disability of course. + % id = "01JCGVBXW3GB041DMXFCWGQK23" - but the customisation options are just so boooring! everybody looks pretty much the same. + % id = "01JCGVBXW3XQJBGZEJXSW7SET1" + you get to customise your shape and color of your hair, but not the size and placement of your ears, or the level and color of your floof? + % id = "01JCGVBXW3EG14V44E5H6STW2A" - human floof so ugly and coarse ---w--- + % id = "01JCGVBXW3Y7N6YPR8VJFYT67W" - and you don't even get a cute tail {-that constantly gets caught on closing doors _OW FUCK_-} + % id = "01JCGVBXW324H3DM40B19Y0752" - all the other animals have those, so why not us? + % id = "01JCGVBXW39YX0P5HSPBR3GN5S" - like I know they're not practical from a hunter-gatherer sort of standpoint, but we live in a society. +% id = "01JCGVBXW3A7VSY4Z9WXFB94MC" - I'll admit my first conscious exposure to furries was not _the most normal_ thing in the world. + % id = "01JCGVBXW39VH06KMJ1K0ZV411" - we were playing Geometry Dash with a friend at school, and we encountered a level that had some furry porn in it :oh: + % id = "01JCGVBXW3ZBXMNPHEZSFRKHYA" - I was a pretty non-assertive kid at the time, so I conformed to his reactions (basically disgust.) + % id = "01JCGVBXW31PVM1MBVZH6P4Z57" - except... later I thought about it, and the more I let the idea of a furry sink in, the more I liked it. yet the more I thought about that _thing_ (ugh) we encountered, the more I hated myself for thinking furries were cool. + % id = "01JCGVBXW3Q54TB48NWVS7F56Q" - that's probably what led to me being anti-furry for a good while. +% id = "01JCGVBXW324B6XZ53MXKFDCP9" - so wanting to be a furry built up in me for 5--6 years. (it started around 2017--2018) + % id = "01JCGVBXW3ZNK55EEVPZEJWP3C" - the tipping point was after I played Deltarune and really liked Ralsei. "is it wrong to like a furry character from a game?" + % id = "01JCGVBXW36VSANHTWWHSG2Y0S" - still my favourite fluffy kindboy ---w--- + % id = "01JCGVBXW3MDZNB7KGQCETJN6M" - a few months later... I stumbled upon [this blog post from soatok](https://soatok.blog/2020/04/23/never-underestimate-the-furry-fandom/) and it made me realise just how fucking deep I was in my anti-furry Mariana trench. + % id = "01JCGVBXW3JBY0MSFMKYF2H2WQ" - why _of course_ furries are not harmful you dumbass! what even made you think that? + % id = "01JCGVBXW3XMBF58FSAX1BH6TB" - maybe it's time to swim out of there before the pressure crushes you? +% id = "01JCGVBXW33N62PPA70KHFXBNC" - soon enough I thought, "[_hehehehe \*mydli\* \*mydli\*_][pic:01JCE80BJC51R6706Z1GD7VNA2] let's have some fun with my online identity!" I started this website. + % id = "01JCGVBXW3FR3G2NXJZGKGD0SB" - at first I didn't mention anything about being a furry. I started using Ralsei as my online avatar and persona, because he's a pretty aesthetically pleasing character. not wanting to steal other people's art, I also started drawing around that time. + % id = "01JCGVBXW3B98P0M8CQCXJ2DJ7" - a few months later, I slowly started [crawling out of my shell and hittin' truth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxfN-dFyzEQ){.secret}. I added a little branch to the treehouse _mildly suggesting_ I was a furry to people who were curious enough to click around, and finally, over a year later, in September this year [I came out with a fursona][branch:01JCE80BJC51R6706Z1GD7VNA2]. + % id = "01JCGVBXW3KYD4Y9KZXFBSCWFW" - as of writing this I'm still not displaying it very proudly on my website (my drawing skills are a constant work in progress!) but having it as my profile pic everywhere puts me at ease. ---w--- +% id = "01JCGVBXW3ZERWRYE453CRDR0Q" - I feel a lot more comfortable saying this now: + % id = "01JCGVBXW3388CYEDPWT43EFXT" + ## I am a furry, and I'm proud of it! + % id = "01JCGVBXW32VHKZZPEBXSNFJ5V" - [_I am doing_][r]{.secret}\ [_no harm_][r]{.secret}