{ "nodes": { "init": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "expression": "eyes_closed", "content": "…", "then": "initQuestion" }, "initQuestion": { "kind": "ask", "questions": [{ "content": "Kitty?", "then": "kitty" }] }, "kitty": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "expression": "eyes_closed", "content": "I'm no ordinary cat.", "then": "introductions" }, "introductions": { "kind": "ask", "questions": [ { "content": "…woah! You speak!", "then": "introductions.youSpeak" }, { "content": "Certainly.", "then": "introductions.certainly" } ] }, "introductions.youSpeak": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "content": "Yeah. No clue what's so surprising about that. I mean, I've spoken for as long as I remember! But you're not the first person I've met that was surprised that a tiny thing like me could speak.", "then": "introductions.youSpeak2" }, "introductions.youSpeak2": { "kind": "ask", "questions": [ { "content": "Who was the other?", "then": "introductions.youSpeak.theOther" }, { "content": "I mean, obviously.", "then": "introductions.youSpeak.anyways" } ] }, "introductions.youSpeak.theOther": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "content": "My owner. I've never seen someone this freaked out in my life!", "then": "introductions.youSpeak.theOther2" }, "introductions.youSpeak.theOther2": { "kind": "ask", "questions": [ { "content": "I'm not surprised at all.", "then": "introductions.youSpeak.anyways" }, { "content": "What about me?", "then": "introductions.youSpeak.theOther.whatAboutMe" }, { "content": "Who's your owner?", "then": "introductions.youSpeak.theOther.owner" } ] }, "introductions.youSpeak.theOther.whatAboutMe": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "expression": "eyes_closed", "content": "You're a brave soul. Us cats can feel that. Nothing about your reaction came off as being scared.", "then": "introductions.youSpeak.theOther.whatAboutMe2" }, "introductions.youSpeak.theOther.whatAboutMe2": { "kind": "ask", "questions": [ { "content": "Glad to hear that.", "then": "introductions.youSpeak.anyways" } ] }, "introductions.youSpeak.theOther.owner": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "content": "I'd ask her to introduce herself, but she hasn't been around lately. I believe she's out on a trip or something. No clue what the trip's about or when she'll be back.", "then": "introductions.youSpeak.theOther.owner2" }, "introductions.youSpeak.theOther.owner2": { "kind": "ask", "questions": [ { "content": "\"She?\" You mean, your owner isn't riki?", "then": "introductions.youSpeak.theOther.owner3" }, { "content": "I see.", "then": "introductions.youSpeak.anyways" } ] }, "introductions.youSpeak.theOther.owner3": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "expression": "eyes_closed", "content": "No.", "then": "introductions.youSpeak.theOther.owner4" }, "introductions.youSpeak.theOther.owner4": { "kind": "ask", "questions": [ { "content": "I see.", "then": "introductions.youSpeak.anyways" } ] }, "introductions.youSpeak.anyways": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "content": "Anyways. Is there anything in particular you're looking for?", "then": "introductions.whatAreYouLookingFor" }, "introductions.certainly": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "content": "Interesting to see you keeping your composure after meeting a speaking cat.", "then": "introductions.certainly2" }, "introductions.certainly2": { "kind": "ask", "questions": [ { "content": "I see no reason to be upset. I've seen weirder things.", "then": "introductions.certainly3" } ] }, "introductions.certainly3": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "content": "Well anyways, while my owner is out, why don't we have a little chat?", "then": "introductions.whatAreYouLookingFor" }, "introductions.whatAreYouLookingFor": { "kind": "ask", "questions": [ { "content": "Tell me more about yourself.", "then": "aboutYourself" }, { "content": "Tell me more about this place.", "then": "aboutPlace" } ] }, "aboutYourself": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "content": "I'm Coco, a black cat that lives in the treehouse. I like scritches and treats. One day I climbed into the treehouse and got lost. Fortunately my fine owner lady found me and took good care of me! Nowadays I live a happy life with the treefolk.", "then": "aboutYourself2" }, "aboutYourself2": { "kind": "ask", "questions": [ { "content": "(scritch Coco)", "then": "aboutYourself2.scritch" }, { "content": "Are you friends with the treefolk?", "then": "aboutYourself2.friends" }, { "content": "You said earlier you're no ordinary cat. What did you mean?", "then": "aboutYourself2.extraordinary" }, { "content": "That's all I wanted to know about you, thanks.", "then": "introductions.whatAreYouLookingFor" } ] }, "aboutYourself2.scritch": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "expression": "eyes_closed", "content": "<em>*purrs*</em>", "then": "aboutYourself2" }, "aboutYourself2.friends": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "content": "I'm just here for the warmth, food, and scritches. The people here could just as easily be someone else. This is just a nice place to live, so I'm not complaining.", "then": "aboutYourself2" }, "aboutYourself2.extraordinary": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "content": "I speak. Is there anything more to say?", "then": "aboutYourself2.extraordinary2" }, "aboutYourself2.extraordinary2": { "kind": "ask", "questions": [ { "content": "Well, that's the obvious part. Is there anything else?", "then": "aboutYourself2.extraordinary3" } ] }, "aboutYourself2.extraordinary3": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "expression": "eyes_closed", "content": "…Maybe.", "then": "aboutYourself2" }, "aboutPlace": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "content": "This is the back porch of the house. What do you think?", "then": "aboutPlace.definition" }, "aboutPlace.definition": { "kind": "ask", "questions": [ { "content": "It's empty.", "then": "aboutPlace.definition.empty" }, { "content": "It's wild.", "then": "aboutPlace.definition.wild" }, { "content": "It's odd.", "then": "aboutPlace.definition.odd" }, { "content": "It's even.", "then": "aboutPlace.definition.even" }, { "content": "What even are these answers?", "then": "aboutPlace.definition.what" } ] }, "aboutPlace.definition.empty": { "kind": "set", "fact": "kuroneko/empty", "then": "aboutPlace.definition.thankYou" }, "aboutPlace.definition.wild": { "kind": "set", "fact": "kuroneko/wild", "then": "aboutPlace.definition.thankYou" }, "aboutPlace.definition.odd": { "kind": "set", "fact": "kuroneko/odd", "then": "aboutPlace.definition.thankYou" }, "aboutPlace.definition.even": { "kind": "set", "fact": "kuroneko/even", "then": "aboutPlace.definition.thankYou" }, "aboutPlace.definition.what": { "kind": "set", "fact": "kuroneko/what", "then": "aboutPlace.definition.thankYou2" }, "aboutPlace.definition.thankYou": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "expression": "eyes_closed", "content": "Yeah, I think I agree.", "then": "aboutPlace.thatsIt" }, "aboutPlace.definition.thankYou2": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "expression": "eyes_closed", "content": "I just asked you what you think about how the back porch looks. That's all.", "then": "aboutPlace.theWhat" }, "aboutPlace.thatsIt": { "kind": "ask", "questions": [ { "content": "That's it? You're not gonna tell me anything else?", "then": "aboutPlace.end" } ] }, "aboutPlace.theWhat": { "kind": "ask", "questions": [ { "content": "Seriously though, where in the world did that come from.", "then": "aboutPlace.end" } ] }, "aboutPlace.end": { "kind": "say", "character": "coco", "expression": "eyes_closed", "content": "…", "then": "introductions.whatAreYouLookingFor" } } }