%% title = "nickname change!"

% id = "01JGXMY094E9AGM67T7EXAW25Z"
- I'm changing my nickname from liquidex to *riki*!

so don't be surprised that <https://liquidex.house> now redirects to <https://riki.house>.

    % id = "01JGXMY094R42TY12HYEPQWNMA"
    - I don't remember how, but this new nickname came to me around New Year's Eve.
    I was thinking about my alt nickname _rikiddo_ and thought to myself, "I wonder what will happen if I drop the ddo?"
    and _riki_ felt like the name of the cutest little critter in the world, so I just had to make the switch!

    % id = "01JGXMY094Z19V95YYTV08FXDP"
    - I've been rocking the _liquidex_ moniker for 4 or 5 years now.
    _liquid_ in various forms has been my nickname for over twice as long.
    I liked it when I came up with it, but I feel like it no longer reflects myself or my values very well.

        % id = "01JGXMY09417BKZ9ZQJ93RNQEK"
        - honestly most of all, _liquidex_ just feels like the wrong sort of name for a furry ---w---

        % id = "01JGXMY094QY1AMGNPPAMEC4AF"
        - but that's not surprising, given that I came up with it while spreading hate towards innocent people.
        it was _meant_ to be cheap and edgy-sounding.

            % id = "01JGXMY094SDVHZVX9QWCPZVMV"
            - which no longer aligns with what I want to be, so sayōnara, liquidex!

    % id = "01JGXMY0945EWSD345WP3B74WQ"
    - I'm not getting rid of the liquidex _username_ in most places, though---I like to imagine it might be a fun name for a company one day. _liquidex_ or _liquidev_, either would work, and they fit pretty well considering _riki_'s etymology.

% id = "01JGXMY094HKNKF3YY44V5F4CH"
- _riki_ feels like just the right sort of nickname for myself.
it sounds cute and fun, yet slightly mischievous, perfect for the playful little cat I am. ---w---

    % id = "01JGXMY094G7MSVSPJGC5T7P70"
    - I also kind of like it doesn't really imply a specific gender.
    feels right for a femboy-ish person like myself.

% id = "01JGXMY094AZAMC177NF6FGBCK"
- I've been rebranding the treehouse to fit this change, of course.

    % id = "01JGXMY09476P1MVYTRXFTMWNZ"
    - my website's no longer _liquidex's treehouse_, it's *riki's house* now!

    or, *riki's fluffy little house* if you like typing a lot.

    % id = "01JGXMY0944ETDB31X8XRPNZZH"
    - the new logo is essentially just [my Minecraft house][branch:01JGRNC1F4BR62X3CTXXQBA6BF], lmao.
    I liked the design so much I thought it would be perfect for a website with a `.house` TLD.

    % id = "01JGXMY094924XQ3GMRS0Z63EY"
    - you may have noticed the website is a lot more _pink_ now.
    or purple, if you're on dark mode.

        % id = "01JGXMY094T6WGHJC2ZK942RG1"
        - I decided to go with these colors, because they fit the pink color scheme of the house pretty well!

        % id = "01JGXMY094FMQEGZ97B0EQYV5E"
        - also, I don't really like the stereotype that pink is a girly color.
        so here it is: I'm a guy with a girly-looking website.
        cry about it!

        % id = "01JGXMY094Z55EVDRVKHQ4FJT9"
        - I increased the overall contrast and boldness of the typography _a ton_, too.
        the text is now darker (or lighter, if you're in dark mode), the code examples now have a more readable light mode theme, and the fonts are overall more bold and readable.

    % id = "01JGXMY094HKEP5FDZT21SAA2F"
    - but, the treehouse in the corner is not going anywhere!
    at its core, this piece of software is still called `treehouse`, and I don't really wanna change that.
    I think it's a good name.

% id = "01JGXMY0940VX2RYFF0KDWM1P9"
- so yeah, I think that pretty much covers it all---my nickname's riki now, so don't be surprised about the change!