import { addSpell, spell } from "treehouse/spells.js"; import { Branch } from "treehouse/tree.js"; const persistenceKey = "treehouse.chats"; let persistentState = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(persistenceKey)) || {}; persistentState.log ??= {}; savePersistentState(); function savePersistentState() { localStorage.setItem(persistenceKey, JSON.stringify(persistentState)); } class Chat extends HTMLElement { constructor(branch) { super(); this.branch = branch; } connectedCallback() { = spell(this.branch, Branch).namedID; this.model = JSON.parse(spell(this.branch, Branch).branchContent.textContent); this.state = new ChatState(this, this.model); this.state.onInteract = () => { persistentState.log[] = this.state.log; savePersistentState(); }; this.state.exec("init"); let log = persistentState.log[]; if (log != null) { this.state.replay(log); } } } customElements.define("th-chat", Chat); class Said extends HTMLElement { constructor({ content }) { super(); this.content = content; } connectedCallback() { this.innerHTML = this.content; this.dispatchEvent(new Event(".animationsComplete")); } } customElements.define("th-chat-said", Said); class Asked extends HTMLElement { constructor({ content, alreadyAsked }) { super(); this.content = content; this.alreadyAsked = alreadyAsked; } connectedCallback() { this.button = document.createElement("button"); this.button.innerHTML = this.content; this.button.addEventListener("click", _ => { this.dispatchEvent(new Event(".click")); }); if (this.alreadyAsked) { this.button.classList.add("asked"); } this.appendChild(this.button); } interactionFinished() { this.button.disabled = true; } } customElements.define("th-chat-asked", Asked); class ChatState { constructor(container, model) { this.container = container; this.model = model; this.log = []; this.results = {}; this.wereAsked = new Set(); this.onInteract = _ => {}; } replay(log) { for (let entry of log) { this.interact(entry); } } exec(name) { let node = this.model.nodes[name]; let results = this.results[name]; this.results[name] = this[node.kind](name, node, results); } say(_, node) { let said = new Said({ content: node.content }); said.addEventListener(".animationsComplete", _ => this.exec(node.then)); this.container.appendChild(said); } ask(name, node) { let questions = []; for (let i_ = 0; i_ < node.questions.length; ++i_) { let i = i_; let key = `${name}[${i}]`; let question = node.questions[i]; let asked = new Asked({ content: question.content, alreadyAsked: this.wereAsked.has(key) }); asked.addEventListener(".click", _ => { this.interact({ kind: "ask.choose", name, option: i, key, }); }); this.container.appendChild(asked); questions[i] = asked; } return questions; } end() {} interact(interaction) { let node = this.model.nodes[]; this.log.push(interaction); this.onInteract(); switch (interaction.kind) { case "ask.choose": { if (this.wereAsked.has(interaction.key)) { this.log.pop(); } this.wereAsked.add(interaction.key); let questions = this.results[]; let question = node.questions[interaction.option]; let asked = questions[interaction.option]; asked.interactionFinished(); this.exec(question.then); for (let q of questions) { if (q != asked) { q.parentNode.removeChild(q); } } } break; } } } addSpell("chat", class { constructor(branch) { branch.replaceWith(new Chat(branch)); } });