%% title = "The Flashbulb - Flacks / aBliss"

% id = "01JHXV738MT1DF4T4DQWJ16PED"
- walking in the mountains, you see flags waving in the distance...

    % id = "01JHXV738M04MAFAY7XTQKSX9R"
    - you take in the majesty of the rocky landscape around you.

    - the difficulty of the hike makes your heart pound.

    % id = "01JHXV738MNHT5CV472QXW1ARQ"
    - it's a very windy day!
    the roaring wind makes it hard to keep your feet on the ground.

% id = "01JHXV738MXC88CWBA5QXE9KNT"
- eventually, you find yourself on a meadow.
the wind dies down.
you hear cicadas in the scorching sun.

    % id = "01JHXV738M93BD5WP9YEZMKGW2"
    - as a light breeze passes by, you spot a fox spirit playing the flute somewhere in the distance.
    one blink later, and she's gone.

% id = "01JHXV738MTV28WWE298EDGX1M"
- you walk up to the spot where you saw the fox spirit, and decide to set up camp there.

% id = "01JHXV738MWBKC5D5FHVF4YJ47"
- soon enough, the sun fades, and you can see the stars.
you start looking for constellations.

    % id = "01JHXV738M5HBV82KEGS96CHHC"
    - there's the Dog, the Fox, the Cat,

    % id = "01JHXV738MVRN7JG3NGVCVS0VK"
    - but your mind is slowly drifting.
    your consciousness fading away, as you begin to sleep, and dream...

- _Flacks_, and to be honest, the entirety of _aBliss_, is probably my most beautiful discovery this month.

    % id = "01JHXV738MP6BTVTZST15AMF0S"
    - apart from the one little acid oddity of _Monolite_, which almost doesn't fit the rest of the album.
    I like to imagine it as the dream you have in the middle of that meadow.

        % id = "01JHXV738MH3VRXGDSZQYDJJSG"
        - visions you can't comprehend, a feverish chase, creatures you've never seen.
        an unsettling concoction of colorful weird.

        % id = "01JHXV738M4RN9KP9DM1NC5VHX"
        - I guess the Sandman didn't bless you that night.

    % id = "01JHXVCKP1BKAVVZ50KXR050TM"
    - that one little moment of serenity, at 2:18, where the fox spirit plays the flute, is one of the most beautiful synaesthetic visions I've had while listening to music.

        - it reminds me of [this little animation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezYstnhZZPw) I saw on YouTube a while back.
        beautiful stuff.

    - [buy the album here](https://theflashbulb.bandcamp.com/album/abliss)

- thank you, Benn.