%% title = '"I build things"'

- aka how to sound like the most boring software developer ever.

- I can't count the amount of times I've heard this phrase.
You say it, and it sounds so profound.
So grand.

    % id = "01JBAK3T1Z2DX52MEK755C2NZH"
    - *You. Build. Things.* after all.

    % id = "01JBAK3T1ZW84TQ6SZBPSP0EQZ"
    + but behind those no words is no substance.
    You build things, so what?

        % id = "01JBAK3T1Z7BPG32ZDD9Q5SZAX"
        - [the film starts, the film ends. nothing is said inbetween.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SILVQpqmH7U){.secret}

        % id = "01JBAK3T1Z09EMEVYZDWM1Z9MX"
        - [humpty dumpty sat on the wall...](https://youtu.be/AIxY_Y9TGWI?t=475)

- if you're so uncreative as to _only_ be able to say you build things...
yeah you're not very creative are you.

% id = "01JBAK3T1Z472KF0XFYZNNXA6Z"
- riki yells at cloud.

    % id = "01JBAK3T1ZHGDQFZNYGY941QDX"
    - there's a reason I call myself a programming wizard.
    that one word tells you so much more about my nature than "I build things."

        % id = "01JBAK3T1ZR1E3BPTTEQ1YDE0H"
        - the wizard part is about wanting to go deeper, to explore every nook and cranny of the software I obsess over.
        uncover arcane knowledge few to no people know about.

- fucking, EVERYBODY builds things in this industry, arrite

    % id = "01JBAK3T1Z2N453PMF5Q2NZFDJ"
    - "I build things" is something literally _every_ creative can say.

% id = "01JBAK3T1ZB00ANB28N21G2DZK"
+ by the way here's a funny: <https://godly.website/>
have fun browsing bad UX design xoxo

    % id = "01JBAK3T1Z3DE0D6EW7C5GAEB9"
    - this website feels like it never had a UX designer look at it either.

        % id = "01JBAK3T1Z8K7DZJZY3S0CJGWH"
        - explore the [directory](https://godly.website/directory)---a list of categories, each of which is a link that takes up the entire width of the screen,
        so you never have any space to autoscroll with your middle mouse button

            % id = "01JBAK3T1Z506G168Q7GPW78QS"
            - the fact the categories include boring garbage such as: "Agency", "E-commerce", "Startup", "Development", "Mobile App", "Finance", "SaaS",
            and of course the badges on the front page start with "AI" and "Web3" tells you a lot about the creators.

            "quality" my ass.

    % id = "01JBAK3T1Z9N7ZA6BKER4EQPKA"
    - this website doesn't even work without JavaScript, even though it's purely static content.

        % id = "01JBAK3T1Z4FWSC4KEEQJJV669"
        - look I know treehouse barely works without JS, but _at least you can read it._

    % id = "01JBAK3T1Z6QSCGVE9PF9CWFGC"
    - an entry on this website provoked me to write this.
    I don't want to call out the specific one because it would be missing the point.