%% title = "how does GENERATED_BODY() work?" % id = "01HV1DGFHMD7KNNX3FWS6R11SF" - the `UCLASS()`, `USTRUCT()`, and other reflection macros - but especially the `GENERATED_BODY()` macro might seem a bit magical the first time you see them. % id = "01HV1DGFHM71ZD6CJY77N0PA8X" - the thing about it is that it defies the usual rules of how C++ macros work. let's have a look at it together. % id = "01HV1DGFHM75BEC4B54MSBQ3P9" - _what does it even expand to?_ % id = "01HV1DGFHM2SAR1JMV8BAGDNE6" - try looking at what your IDE's autocomplete suggests - from a cursory glance at the symbols available in a `UCLASS()`-declared class, you will notice there are a few that are non-standard ones, such as `StaticClass()` or `Super`. this is what the `GENERATED_BODY()` macro ends up expanding to after all the preprocessing is done. % id = "01HV1DGFHMZ4F2DYDDJXXJXX63" - but the thing is that `Super` is a typedef to the parent class - how does it know the parent class without passing it in as a macro argument? % id = "01HV1DGFHMG2FFHTC9EA5NXB78" - and `StaticClass()` returns a different value for each class. this would require _knowing_ the class beforehand - how does it know? % id = "01HV1DGFHMDFMWY2FWRHN3NGAX" - the thing is - it doesn't. `GENERATED_BODY()` by itself is incredibly stupid: ```cpp #define BODY_MACRO_COMBINE_INNER(A,B,C,D) A##B##C##D #define BODY_MACRO_COMBINE(A,B,C,D) BODY_MACRO_COMBINE_INNER(A,B,C,D) #define GENERATED_BODY(...) BODY_MACRO_COMBINE(CURRENT_FILE_ID,_,__LINE__,_GENERATED_BODY); ``` let's disassemble it piece by piece. % id = "01HV1DGFHM4BW1FXVX3AMJYR91" - `BODY_MACRO_COMBINE` is just a macro combining four identifiers together. no magic here. % id = "01HV1DGFHM29ENZ6HE36B2SP92" - so `GENERATED_BODY` combines the identifiers `CURRENT_FILE_ID`, `_`, `__LINE__`, and `_GENERATED_BODY`. % id = "01HV1DGFHM8JH5RMTV79P8HRDV" + `CURRENT_FILE_ID` is a preprocessor macro defined by the UnrealBuildTool for each file. for simplicity's sake, let's assume it's the filename with dots replaced by underscores. for instance, `GameplayAbility_h`. % id = "01HV1DGFHM6XQ68XJPART8TND3" - the actual form it seems to take is `FID_{Path}` with `{Path}` being the file path relative to the project root directory, with slashes and dots replaced with underscores. for: ``` Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/Engine/Blueprint.h ``` the file ID is: ``` FID_Engine_Source_Runtime_Engine_Classes_Engine_Blueprint_h ``` I haven't inspected the UnrealBuildTool/UnrealHeaderTool sources though, so there may be more to it. % id = "01HV1DGFHMVS11W47KWXJC7TY4" - `_` is just an underscore. nothing magical here. % id = "01HV1DGFHMPC27J2JN30PRGQSF" - `__LINE__` is a standard C++ macro which expands to the current line number. % id = "01HV1DGFHMAEZV26CE77X5AXYF" - and `_GENERATED_BODY` is just an identifier. % id = "01HV1DGFHM2Q8EC8EMKN0HMXTB" - therefore for a simple file, let's call it `MyClass.h`: ```cpp #pragma once #include "UObject/Object.h" #include "MyClass.generated.h" UCLASS() class UMyClass : public UObject { GENERATED_BODY() }; ``` after expanding the `GENERATED_BODY()`, we'll get this: ```cpp // -- snip -- UCLASS() class UMyClass : public UObject { MyClass_h_10_GENERATED_BODY }; ``` % id = "01HV1DGFHM78BW738ENHCN0ASF" - and this identifier is declared as a macro in the UnrealHeaderTool-generated `MyClass.generated.h` - and expands to a bunch of declarations, including the declaration of `Super` and `StaticClass`, as well as constructors if they're not already declared. % id = "01HV1DGFHMFZNP6S3E1YNC8QH7" - you can even inspect the source code of `.generated.h` files yourself, by <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+clicking on them (at least in Rider. I haven't tested Visual Studio.) % id = "01HV1DGFHMP6ZP6N4WNWPTT04D" - that's all there is to it. incredibly simple, cursed as heck, yet super effective.