%% title = "thoughts on user interfaces and user experiences"
visibility = "Private"

% id = "01HQ8KV8RW077VSHHZ7CXPBDA8"
+ despite not being a UX designer, I care deeply about user experience. it's become somewhat of a hobby of mine, applying UX design to basically everything.

this branch is about that.

    % id = "01HQ8KV8RW35QJSN5WM95DBXRZ"
    - have you noticed all the small details that make the treehouse feel like a *polished experience*?

        % id = "01HQ8KV8RWDCWQRK4EB2R0ZA1N"
        - like when you hover over emoji, there's a tooltip - but did you notice the tooltip disappears when you scroll?

            % id = "01HQ8KV8RW00VPW0Z84ZQBMVTP"
            - that ain't default behavior. :hat_smug:

        % id = "01HQ8KV8RWCGV2GYN04PKED7V4"
        - or the fact that you can select text in a branch that can be expanded, and the branch won't collapse when you release your mouse button?

            % id = "01HQ8KV8RWS99XKPBKCTZ3NEJM"
            - that ain't default behavior. :hat_smug: