%% title = "Oneohtrix Point Never - I Don't Love Me Anymore"

+ a track from Oneohtrix Point Never's _Magic Oneohtrix Point Never_. [bandcamp link](https://oneohtrixpointnever.bandcamp.com/album/magic-oneohtrix-point-never)

    % id = "01J8ZKEB7K4P813BZR0KP66XP4"
    - by the way I'm listening to Magic OPN right now as I'm writing this. _Tales from the Trash Stratum_ just started playing and

    *(once again)*
    I thought I'd gotten a notification on Discord.
    I swear to fucking God, this shit gets me every time. xD

    damn you, Daniel Lopatin!! (keep up the awesomeness!!!)

    % id = "01J8ZKEB7K93RZ3610AVSX9P0J"
    - after listening to the Cool Protrusions episode where he does the album commentary on Again I can't unhear [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bc7uNBSEIHU&t=2097s) from _Imago_. lmao

- I remember listening to this album for the first time way back in 2021.

    % id = "01J8ZKEB7KQGHP4YQQ579TTW3N"
    + it was my first OPN album.
    I discovered it through [False Noise covering his _Lost But Never Alone_](https://soundcloud.com/false-noise/lost-but-never-alone).

        % id = "01J8ZKEB7K9P1CYJ6XQDDDYJ5T"
        - it's a great cover, you should listen to it.

    % id = "01J8ZKEB7KMYP6S6CXW576XA6Z"
    + I really didn't like it at the time, but I've been listening to it on and off, and after three more years it just hits differently.

        % id = "01J8ZKEB7KHYAD3MJTFWWZQKXR"
        - it's probably me having gotten used to the super experimental nature of his music, by listening through his other works.

- so back to 2021: I was listening to that album sitting in the back seat during the road trip, and then _I Don't Love Me Anymore_ started playing.
I was like, "finally, something good!" and 30 seconds later I was like, "fuck you, OPN!"

    % id = "01J8ZKEB7KAGMBHAQXM39VGA71"
    - my mind was like, "how could you ruin your awesome track with these vocals?????"

- I take a much different approach to listening to music nowadays.
there's meaning behind these distorted vocals.
there's a _vibe_ OPN was trying to craft here.

% id = "01J8ZKEB7K5FXDW7SS04DCW8X3"
- these are vocals that just _scream_ "I don't love myself."

    % id = "01J8ZKEB7KWJ4H7G50EJ05RE8C"
    - trying to hide your real voice from everyone around you, so you don't have to hear yourself

    - ...or is it that your voice now sounds like this in your head?

        % id = "01J8ZKEB7K4763VJE5W3GFGZ33"
        - when did it become so horrible and distorted?