%% title = "reviews" visibility = "Private" % id = "01JBAGZAZ9PPNSMWC8PES2CW0M" - welcome to the purgatory! this page used to host all my music reviews, but those have since been moved to [the music blog][branch:01J8YY31QJQJYW1TTYSHKB2AV1]. % id = "01H9R1NKBDKVKZ2515CJJ2G8HJ" + I haven't had time to review the following albums, but I'm including them for permalinking purposes. % id = "music/album/aphex-twin/drukqs" + ### :page: album: Aphex Twin - drukQs % id = "01H9JB094GTG1TJ029CQ4PNMS0" - buy: [Bandcamp](https://aphextwin.bandcamp.com/album/drukqs) % id = "music/album/the-flashbulb/our-simulacra" + ### :page: album: The Flashbulb - Our Simulacra % id = "01H9R1NKBD8JA76ZBEFTJ62XV0" - buy: [Bandcamp](https://theflashbulb.bandcamp.com/album/our-simulacra) % id = "music/album/radiohead/hail-to-the-thief" + ### :page: album: Radiohead - Hail to the Thief % id = "01H969NN1B6W19ENMTBJ0D48AF" - buy: [Bandcamp](https://radiohead.bandcamp.com/album/hail-to-the-thief) % id = "music/album/radiohead/the-king-of-limbs" + ### :page: album: Radiohead - The King of Limbs % id = "01H9JB094HBXF1G48ZME4WV2JA" - buy: [Bandcamp](https://radiohead.bandcamp.com/album/the-king-of-limbs)