% id = "01HFP3E77CH0NDBBDCGFSNCS36" + _shelter_ is my design for a potential operating system and runtime which foregoes the entire legacy of today's systems % id = "01HFP3E77CM5QN1D53CJX6F5J2" + compatibility is not a design goal for shelter, the idea is that we build the entire universe from scratch % id = "01HFP3E77C2ZM0FAKKXNHPEWVW" - therefore shelter is not compatible with UNIX, POSIX, or Windows % id = "01HFP3E77CC7MFCH0TF5T75W5C" - it should be possible to build compatibility layers, but they probably won't be part of the project % id = "01HFP3E77CVPJMQ69305QHRXDH" + the design goal is to build a *secure operating system you can trust* % id = "01HFP3E77CFCF260WBQWTBNPP7" - gone will be the days where you download an executable from the Internet and have no idea what harm it can do to your system % id = "01HFP3E77C7ZXSSGQKTH4Z8NC0" - security is to be achieved while keeping the system fundamentally simple. the less code you have to inspect, the better % id = "01HFP3E77CGBD4ZQ2JN4Z761VE" + *NOTE:* at this point shelter is nothing more than an incomplete design. OS development is something I wanna get into but haven't enough time to research everything as of now, therefore I'm jotting down my ideas here % id = "01HFP3E77C69TH3Q0ARNST97FH" - but if all goes well you'll be able to run it one day % id = "01HFP3E77CJD3AFS2R4N5T9EDE" + ### design % id = "01HFP3E77CX8AKTESGYGJBMFJ8" + execution environment % id = "01HFP3E77C4EBDPJMEWGA9XSX4" + the execution environment of shelter is one big JIT compiler. code is portable between CPU architectures and exchanged via a compact intermediate representation (IR), which is then compiled to machine code when installed into the system % id = "01HFP3E77CBJ6SRFW34HW7BE4V" - compilers which emit this IR must not perform aggressive inlining. this is important for the OS's [function database][branch:01HFP3E77CSZCHA4TS0R7VNT9N] to work correctly and be able to deduplicate functions aggresively. instead, inlining is done by the JIT upon compilation (or maybe even based on profiling) % id = "01HFP7K50TV3FQ5PYXA5S6P9FT" - note that although there is a JIT, there is no garbage collection. memory is allocated and freed manually by running programs % id = "01HFP7K50TBSSHSJAYVE7SY5T7" - the environment supports algebraic effects, which are used to annotate functions which may perform I/O, access the network, and perform mischief using them. % id = "01HFP3E77CSZCHA4TS0R7VNT9N" + executable code % id = "01HFP3E77CDB6Z6YKPJ1PJS0KC" - this is probably the most exciting part of shelter: how executable code is not stored within `.exe` and `.dll` files, but rather in a database managed by the OS % id = "01HFP3E77CNXNFQBZWT3JD47ZD" - the database is basically just this: ```rust struct CodeDatabase { types: HashMap<Hash<Type>, Type>, functions: HashMap<Hash<Function>, Function>, } ``` % id = "01HFP3E77CRP3HFGTRYFJ2HMWQ" - `Hash<T>` is the hash of the value `T`. % id = "01HFP3E77CZJFH9NRMM8SJ96HD" - `Hash<T>` is large enough to practically prevent any and all collisions (is 256 bits with a cryptographically secure hash function enough?) % id = "01HFP3E77C6ZYGDFKBVXZYMME9" + functions in the database are fully anonymous; function names can be given via separate debug info that can be attached to a running program to provide stack traces % id = "01HFP3E77CM03HZQ20VZ5PEY2E" - this debug info correlates a function's properties with source code and is completely optional % id = "01HFP3E77CKS7CFPFCZJEDJ5G8" - functions from within the database can be aliased in the filesystem. you can create a file which executes a function annotated as a valid entrypoint % id = "01HFP7K50T39EG59CXFJ76E1GT" + function metadata includes reflection data - argument/return types, generics (so that monomorphization is performed on-demand by the JIT to save disk space), and annotations (so that the OS can know eg. which functions are valid program entry points) % id = "01HFP7K50TPHWNZC1AK9ZG9AKQ" - this reflection data can be queried by anyone in userspace % id = "01HFP7K50TRDETH3JKNYJPQ6QK" - it can be used eg. to implement a shell, which executes named functions, such as `ls` here: ``` @os.entrypoint fun ls( caps: (working_directory: shell.WorkingDirectory(:read)), args: (compact: shell.Flag(short: "l")), ): Result(()) :: os.stdio.Write + os.Filesystem = caps.working_directory.path | fs.walk fun (entry) = { if args.compact.is_set then { print("\{entry | fs.dirent.path? | path.filename}") } else { print("\{entry.kind}\t\{entry | fs.dirent.path? | path.filename}") } } ``` % id = "01HFP3E77CGCWJKS84AJJDZJ71" + capability based security % id = "01HFP7K50TK8CVWP87J2BNBXVW" - functions can only do what they say they do, and access what they say they access % id = "01HFP7K50TDBR6JM70Q4RSX52A" + the first of these is achieved through an effect system within the language runtime % id = "01HFP7K50TA32V17YTEHY1SNTN" - a function can only write to stdout if it declares it performs the `os.stdio.Write` effect % id = "01HFP7K50TTGW5SQXFVDJBY8TG" + the second of these is achieved through explicitly passing capabilities as function arguments % id = "01HFP7K50TAQ44W2XCKE8Q4RDS" - you do not have access to a directory if you're not explicitly given a `fs.Directory` value % id = "01HFP7K50TJ692F8BTKH3RVXMV" - moreso, if you need to read or write directory values, the directory needs to explicitly be locked (using an rwlock) to help prevent TOCTOU race conditions % id = "01HFP7K50TE1KYTC5RZ7P49FGW" - not to say such race conditions will be completely impossible, but they will be much harder to run into on accident % id = "01HFP7K50T23DK68VYAQTE24Z0" - it's also impossible to fabricate capabilities because low-level memory access can only be performed explicitly through byte slices, and only types whose definition is public can be cast into byte slices % id = "01HFP3E77CSA2KMW35EF2VVDRV" + package management % id = "01HFP7K50TF07N4W61C8GC2GVZ" - because functions are identifiable by their hash, it's easy to implement a decentralized function registry % id = "01HFP7K50TKFBQ6G0GXE8J4H3Y" - the OS can store a list of mirrors and request functions from them as needed % id = "01HFP7K50TE0FDHXT0EMEAY5GS" - if one mirror doesn't have a function, the system can request it from another mirror % id = "01HFP7K50T35YCZEWST3ZV4M6Q" - if no mirrors have a function, tell the user % id = "01HFP7K50TSTWWCWRPG5A3TCXJ" - functions downloaded from the Internet can be validated by checking that the hash of the received function matches that of the requested function % id = "01HFP7K50THRGCDEYKB4SYWQFD" - the bytecode's structure should be validated at this point as well