%% title = "Unreal Engine"

- this is that really cool game engine I work with on a daily basis

    % id = "01H8Y0CKD0MPNQPBEV8BWV81GJ"
    + so I have a lot of stuff to say about living with it

        % id = "01H8YGXP0ZWG6X3PB6GWSGKAT0"
        - both the fun and the good, and that which ruins my mood

% id = "programming/technologies/unreal-engine/blueprint"
  content.link = "programming/technologies/unreal-engine/blueprint"
+ ### :page: thoughts on Blueprint

% id = "01HP1FESY5WVJG4X80AZ4ZBX5D"
- ### :folder: random but cool things

    % content.link = "programming/technologies/unreal-engine/generated-body"
      id = "01HV1DGFHP6GB268MDGGDXMR12"
    + :page: how does `GENERATED_BODY()` work exactly?

    % content.link = "programming/technologies/unreal-engine/fixes"
      id = "01HP1FESY5ZS6YTZXA8QTT5V1Z"
    + :page: data validation quick fixes