%% title = "kill DRM with a 1000 knives sincerely" % id = "01HPECQ3Z1MSJXQ5C1R2A0A17C" - this section is dedicated to all those business pinheads working at music distribution companies who think DRM is good in any way shape or form. % id = "01HPECQ3Z1EZEQS2J0CY4A0CMA" - I'm aware they know _very well_ what they're doing. just, y'know, _fuck them._ % id = "01HPWEESFV7TPXA6H5BCZVZKD6" + :page: exhibit 2: ODDTAXI soundtrack % id = "01HPWEESFVY5WGP5NY94QXFQ2A" - I watched this anime recently and I really liked the soundtrack, so I thought to myself "cool, gotta buy it and enjoy it in glorious FLAC while I'm driving my {-taxi-} car" % id = "01HPWEESFV1W7Y0713F5P74EPQ" - naturally I was absolutely unprepared for the shitshow that is purchasing music from Japan % id = "01HPWEESFVC3ZX091BN3ZFT4YB" - for some reason some business pinheads thought it would be an _incredible and wise idea_ to introduce _region locks_ to music! % id = "01HPWEESFV2AF3V1GMFZYKECHF" - fuck the fact that you can legitimately buy this album as a pack of FLAC files in Japan, if you're anywhere else - eat shit! % id = "01HPWEESFVSRH7H5NSQKQ849FK" - I understand that dealing with taxes and all that bullshit is annoying and expensive. but there already exists a solution to that. % id = "01HPWEESFVFAYKQAT39Y2ESNFX" - it's called Bandcamp. people already use it. it works. and it's good. % id = "01HPWEESFVAB5NWZFXR2G75XEA" - and I know it's owned by Epic Games right now, but as a consumer I literally Could Not Care Less. They handle my payments. the money goes to the artists. and all the parties involved are happy! % id = "01HPECQ3Z1SG5J6Y12TD2E4Q1B" + :page: exhibit 1: The Flashbulb's music is gone from Spotify % id = "01HPECQ3Z10FVJTAKE90W57X7R" - today I went to listen to some good ol'e Benn Jordan The Flashbulb at work, and guess what do I see? ... ![screenshot of Spotify showing three singles, with all Flashbulb albums otherwise gone and inaccessible][pic:01HPECJJYVBFKW4FT66ATDHZFQ] ### that's right, it's all gone! % id = "01HPECQ3Z1G88WVAVREGBCDEZ0" - now I know that [Benn is an avid hater](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXudOLStaXA) [of streaming platforms himself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDfNRWsMRsU), but something didn't smell right. % id = "01HPECQ3Z1HY2NP5VA426QBQRJ" + so I look up his Twitter profile and <https://twitter.com/bennjordan/status/1756870458358546722> > An "internal investigation" has confirmed "evidence" of streaming fraud on Spotify. > > Therefore, The Flashbulb and my other music has been permanently removed from all platforms. > 23 albums nuked overnight with no warning or communication. > > Give me a fucking break @tunecore. 🤬 wow. ain't that fuckin' nice. % id = "01HPECQ3Z1ABVEEQP3HP8D5Z0G" - (also can I just mention I had to specifically log into Twitter on my account to find this tweet. thank you, algorithm overlords. for helping me find the information I don't need.)