<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#"> <head> {{> components/_head.hbs }} </head> <body> <!-- Empty span to push noscript over to the next grid cell. Browsers turn <noscript> tags into <span style="display: inline !important;"> with no additional classes, and we can't easily select that in CSS. --> <span></span> {{> components/_noscript.hbs }} {{> components/_nav.hbs }} {{> components/_header.hbs }} {{!-- NOTE: ~ because components/_tree.hbs must not include any extra indentation, because it may contain pre elements which shouldn't be indented. --}} {{~> components/_tree.hbs }} {{!-- For all pages except the one linked from the footer, include the footer icon. --}} {{#if (ne page.tree_path "treehouse")}} {{> components/_footer.hbs }} {{/if}} <th-emoji-tooltips></th-emoji-tooltips> <th-command-line></th-command-line> </body> </html>