%% title = "on responsibility & conformity" % id = "01JDJ0RH4DTY60R2Y0Y3J9FH0W" - most of us probably can't imagine holding a company talk on a tech conference while wearing a fursuit. % id = "01JDJ0RH4DBDP937C7CB2CY5EP" - I had this revelation today that it would be extremely funny if I did something like that, only for the thought of harsh reality to come knocking at my door. % id = "01JDJ0RH4DVMQ6T3H7EQY86QCD" - if you're giving a presentation on behalf of your company, you are _representing_ the company, so any clownage you pull will have negative consequences on the company's [PR]{title="public relations"}. % id = "01JDJ0RH4DM4B385FC01FP9MH4" - but honestly, I can't shake the feeling that _something is broken here_. why do we, as a society, fear sillyness? % id = "01JDJ0RH4DF8MQ3ZE7C7CYAE92" + this is not even something our company can fix, no matter how much it portrays to be rebellious or how big, red and bold we make the "*[WE BREAK RULES, WE MAKE RULES]{style="--recursive-casl: 0; --recursive-wght: 800;"}*" text on our website. % id = "01JDJ0RH4DHHD4QRNPCXNEWVSD" - which I find ironic considering we make games for mainstreamers. % id = "01JDJ0RH4D3K5N7EQ6CCZJJZAT" - I was thinking about this all day, because it left me dismayed. why can I not share my fun and silly with the world at will? what's wrong with speaking in a fluffy suit on a tech conference? % id = "01JDJ0RH4DKYPR3TTP2EQJT6E5" - and one word came to my mind. "responsibility." % id = "01JDJ0RH4DS45GTSXEZ2R6ANT4" - You are responsible for the company image, [Mr.](https://projectile.bandcamp.com/album/sinking){.secret title="Projectile."} {-Anderson-} riki. % id = "01JDJ0RH4DCXZBSDZT29PWAG1R" - so what is responsibility? % id = "01JDJ0RH4D5BSXGKXBP4Y14TMA" - one might think it's acting "like an adult would," but that doesn't really tell you anything, does it? % id = "01JDJ0RH4DYNS21D5C4VPP0GSP" - maybe looking at it from a different angle, you could say that if you're taking care of someone, you're responsible for any harm that happens to them. % id = "01JDJ0RH4DZ4CGH5GZVZYK1YV0" - so what happens if they _do_ get harmed, and you don't do anything to rectify it? *consequences.* at best you may get reprimanded and nothing happens to them, at worst they die or get permanent bodily harm. % id = "01JDJ0RH4DPJ6GARYN14T8HJGH" - so looking at it this way, maybe responsibility could be framed as *fear of consequence*? % id = "01JDJ0RH4D8PRX7A9F3YTHR5BH" - not acting like an adult. not forcing yourself to stay serious. just rectifying negative consequences. % id = "01JDJ0RH4DGQWC7BKW1MPA47WF" - we rectify negative consequences, because of monkey brain herd mentality: [conformity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conformity). % id = "01JDJ0RH4DRQW5XR9N7M7QZXCV" - there are cases where you _have_ to stay serious, where [life's on the line](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QNoygm8bEY){.secret title="And therefur riki did not stay serious and did his usual secret music link shenaniganry, including a furry joke in this very sentence you're reading right now. Splendid."} and some could _fucking die or get permanently hurt_. % id = "01JDJ0RH4D6FT1Y7M7XGBXM83A" - but since our species's inception, we as humans have become more than just hunter-gatherers. we partake in _culture_. and I feel like overly subjecting yourself to herd mentality can do you a lot of harm in that area. % id = "01JDJ0RH4DJQ07R5EFKFM0B5D3" - so why the fuck should I not wear a fursuit while speaking at a tech conference? % id = "01JDJ0RH4D3QE6DA1FS429G52B" - because herd mentality. % id = "01JDJ0RH4DH7YF5QTZBKCKS3Y8" - why the fuck am I afraid to go outside with cat ears on? % id = "01JDJ0RH4DER7Z9D224AM55FAN" - because herd mentality. % id = "01JDJ0RH4DVHTBGB8KXC50HFKZ" - why the fuck can I not do anything about this? % id = "01JDJ0RH4DEJY5RP2XM6QSCV4J" - because herd mentality; one person is too little to make a meaningful difference. % id = "01JDJ0RH4DH4G1Z2RQFP1W9PQ5" - _sigh_. at least I can dream.