%% title = "virtual insanity"

% id = "01H969NN1BQX2N77XWQ5CY5QBH"
+ hello! this is the Nice Sounds for Your Ears section. :musical_score: :guitar:

    % id = "01J8YY31QJ1XWSR2TZ0XC2XBXY"
    - this is my blog and various loose notes on music.
    I listen to a lot of music, just... almost never write about it. ---w---

- :folder: *blog*

    % content.link = "music/blue-calx"
      id = "01JCY18RY6B6CTC3H8ME0FRZXC"
    + :page: Blue Calx

      content.link = "music/creatures"
    + :page: the curious case of Amon Tobin's Creatures

    % id = "01J8ZKEPGF9HDMRK2ERNM23FE2"
      content.link = "music/i-dont-love-me-anymore"
    + :page: I Don't Love Me Anymore

    % id = "01J73BSW850Z2SDVM832FB60QT"
      content.link = "music/brainz"
    + :page: the ListenBrainz dataset

    % content.link = "music/map-of-what-is-effortless"
      id = "01H9R1NKBBFTWT6FT2MVWHETR6"
    + :page: Telefon Tel Aviv - Map of What Is Effortless

    % content.link = "music/a-moon-shaped-pool"
      id = "01H9JB094CA55NT8QR1AYNXDBT"
    + :page: Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool
    % content.link = "music/syro"
      id = "01H9DQNG9APD9BSDTP3N3QQFG3"
    + :page: Aphex Twin - Syro

    % content.link = "music/ok-computer"
      id = "01H969NN1ADGRWRQTT2NE5TJZ1"
    + :page: Radiohead - OK Computer

% content.link = "music/fuck-drm"
  id = "01HPECQ3ZE1YKC1FS2X23H77R2"
+ :folder: *fuck DRM*

% content.link = "music/spotify"
  id = "01HVNX7FMW6KJC9H3CQ7TX8ST6"
+ :folder: *Spotify*

% id = "01H969NN1BR7BH7M7SXBPGB0WC"
+ in the future this section may grow another branch related to music making.

    % id = "01J8YY31QJXGNQES5E5BS3WA26"
    - I don't want to be tied to SoundCloud with where I host my music, but don't currently have any infrastructure set up for where I could host it for people to listen to.