- note: I haven't updated this in a while, because I hardly ever do projects outside the treehouse nowadays ---w---

% id = "programming/projects/stitchkit"
  content.link = "programming/projects/stitchkit"
+ :page: stitchkit - A Hat in Time mod stitching toolkit

% id = "programming/projects/muscript"
  content.link = "programming/projects/muscript"
+ :page: MuScript - UnrealScript compiler, part of stitchkit

% id = "programming/projects/yarnbox"
  content.link = "programming/projects/yarnbox"
+ :page: Yarnbox - A Hat in Time bytecode injection mod loader

% id = "programming/projects/shelter"
  content.link = "programming/projects/shelter"
+ :page: shelter - ideas for an operating system; not actually implemented