- I don't know if it's just some weird synaesthesia thing or not, but one interesting observation I've noticed is that various cursors seem to give off different _textures_.
when you have an interactive element and it _doesn't_ have a [pointer]{style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: dotted underline;"} cursor on it, it feels almost _wrong._
for as long as I can remember, mintty always felt _wrong_ to me. like the experience was not _Windowsy._
simply because the terminal window is so tiny, the cursor is an I-beam, and the default font used is [Lucida Console]{style="font-family: 'Lucida Console', RecVar;"} rather than [Consolas]{style="font-family: 'Consolas', RecVar;"}.
- synaesthetically, it feels to me as if `cmd.exe` is smooth, and mintty is rough. like with `cmd.exe` you're touching matte plastic, an LCD display, and with mintty you're touching a piece of paper or tree bark.