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%% title = "on responsibility & conformity"
% id = "01JDJ0RH4DTY60R2Y0Y3J9FH0W"
- most of us probably can't imagine holding a company talk on a tech conference while wearing a fursuit.
% id = "01JDJ0RH4DBDP937C7CB2CY5EP"
- I had this revelation today that it would be extremely funny if I did something like that, only for the thought of harsh reality to come knocking at my door.
% id = "01JDJ0RH4DVMQ6T3H7EQY86QCD"
- if you're giving a presentation on behalf of your company, you are _representing_ the company, so any clownage you pull will have negative consequences on the company's [PR]{title="public relations"}.
% id = "01JDJ0RH4DM4B385FC01FP9MH4"
- but honestly, I can't shake the feeling that _something is broken here_.
why do we, as a society, fear sillyness?
% id = "01JDJ0RH4DF8MQ3ZE7C7CYAE92"
+ this is not even something our company can fix, no matter how much it portrays to be rebellious or how big, red and bold we make the "*[WE BREAK RULES, WE MAKE RULES]{style="--recursive-casl: 0; --recursive-wght: 800;"}*" text on our website.
- which I find ironic considering we make games for mainstreamers.
- I was thinking about this all day, because it left me dismayed.
why can I not share my fun and silly with the world at will?
what's wrong with speaking in a fluffy suit on a tech conference?
- and one word came to my mind. "responsibility."
% id = "01JDJ0RH4DS45GTSXEZ2R6ANT4"
- You are responsible for the company image, [Mr.](https://projectile.bandcamp.com/album/sinking){.secret title="Projectile."} {-Anderson-} riki.
- so what is responsibility?
- one might think it's acting "like an adult would," but that doesn't really tell you anything, does it?
% id = "01JDJ0RH4DYNS21D5C4VPP0GSP"
- maybe looking at it from a different angle, you could say that if you're taking care of someone, you're responsible for any harm that happens to them.
- so what happens if they _do_ get harmed, and you don't do anything to rectify it?
at best you may get reprimanded and nothing happens to them, at worst they die or get permanent bodily harm.
- so looking at it this way, maybe responsibility could be framed as *fear of consequence*?
% id = "01JDJ0RH4D8PRX7A9F3YTHR5BH"
- not acting like an adult.
not forcing yourself to stay serious.
just rectifying negative consequences.
- we rectify negative consequences, because of monkey brain herd mentality: [conformity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conformity).
- there are cases where you _have_ to stay serious, where [life's on the line](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QNoygm8bEY){.secret title="And therefur riki did not stay serious and did his usual secret music link shenaniganry, including a furry joke in this very sentence you're reading right now. Splendid."} and some could _fucking die or get permanently hurt_.
% id = "01JDJ0RH4D6FT1Y7M7XGBXM83A"
- but since our species's inception, we as humans have become more than just hunter-gatherers.
we partake in _culture_.
and I feel like overly subjecting yourself to herd mentality can do you a lot of harm in that area.
% id = "01JDJ0RH4DJQ07R5EFKFM0B5D3"
- so why the fuck should I not wear a fursuit while speaking at a tech conference?
% id = "01JDJ0RH4D3QE6DA1FS429G52B"
- because herd mentality.
- why the fuck am I afraid to go outside with cat ears on?
% id = "01JDJ0RH4DER7Z9D224AM55FAN"
- because herd mentality.
- why the fuck can I not do anything about this?
- because herd mentality;
one person is too little to make a meaningful difference.
% id = "01JDJ0RH4DH4G1Z2RQFP1W9PQ5"
- _sigh_.
at least I can dream.