module-based literate programming
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 183 additions and 106 deletions
@ -270,38 +270,42 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"]
% id = "01HPQCCV4R557T2SN7ES7Z4EJ7"
- we can verify this logic with a bit of code; with a bit of luck, we should be able to narrow down our tileset into something a lot more manageable.
% id = "01HPSY4Y19NQ6DZN10BP1KQEZN"
+ we'll start off by defining a bunch of variables to represent our ordinal directions:
```javascript ordinal-directions
const E = 0b00000001;
const SE = 0b00000010;
const S = 0b00000100;
const SW = 0b00001000;
const W = 0b00010000;
const NW = 0b00100000;
const N = 0b01000000;
const NE = 0b10000000;
const ALL = E | SE | S | SW | W | NW | N | NE;
export const E = 0b0000_0001;
export const SE = 0b0000_0010;
export const S = 0b0000_0100;
export const SW = 0b0000_1000;
export const W = 0b0001_0000;
export const NW = 0b0010_0000;
export const N = 0b0100_0000;
export const NE = 0b1000_0000;
export const ALL = E | SE | S | SW | W | NW | N | NE;
as I've already said, we represent each direction using a single bit.
% id = "01HPSY4Y19AW70YX8PPA7AS4DH"
- I'm using JavaScript by the way, because it's the native programming language of your web browser. read on to the end of this tangent to see why.
- now I don't know about you, but I find the usual C-style way of checking whether a bit is set extremely hard to read, so let's take care of that:
```javascript ordinal-directions
function isSet(integer, bit) {
export function isSet(integer, bit) {
return (integer & bit) == bit;
% id = "01HPSY4Y1984H2FX6QY6K2KHKF"
- now we can write a function that will remove the aforementioned redundancies.
the logic is quite simple - for southeast, we only allow it to be set if both south and east are also set, and so on and so forth.
```javascript ordinal-directions
// t is a tile index; variable name is short for brevity
function removeRedundancies(t) {
export function removeRedundancies(t) {
if (isSet(t, SE) && (!isSet(t, S) || !isSet(t, E))) {
t &= ~SE;
@ -318,10 +322,11 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"]
% id = "01HPSY4Y19HWQQ9XBW1DDGW68T"
- with that, we can find a set of all unique non-redundant combinations:
```javascript ordinal-directions
function ordinalDirections() {
export function ordinalDirections() {
let unique = new Set();
for (let i = 0; i <= ALL; ++i) {
@ -330,11 +335,13 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"]
% id = "01HPSY4Y19KG8DC4SYXR1DJJ5F"
- by the way, I find it quite funny how JavaScript's [`Array.prototype.sort`] defaults to ASCII ordering *for all types.*
even numbers! ain't that silly?
% id = "01HPSY4Y19V62YKTGK3TTKEB38"
- and now it's time to _Let It Cook™_:
```javascript ordinal-directions
@ -346,18 +353,62 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"]
- forty seven! that's how many unique tiles we actually need.
% id = "01HPSY4Y19C303Z595KNVXYYVS"
- you may find pixel art tutorials saying you need forty *eight* and not forty *seven*, but that is not quite correct -
the forty eighth tile is actually just the empty tile! saying it's part of the tileset is quite misleading IMO.
% id = "01HPSY4Y19TM2K2WN06HHEM3D0"
- phew... the nesting's getting quite unwieldy, let's wrap up this tangent and return back to doing some bitwise autotiling!
% id = "01HPSY4Y192FZ37K3KXZM90K9J"
- so in reality we actually only need 47 tiles and not 256 - that's a whole lot less, that's 81.640625% less tiles we have to draw!
- and it's even possible to autogenerate most of them given just a few smaller 4x4 pieces - but for now, let's not go down that path.\
maybe another time.
- so we only need to draw 47 tiles, but to actually display them in a game we still need to pack them into an image.
- we *could* use a similar approach to the 16 tile version, but that would leave us with lots of wasted space!
- think that with this redundancy elimination approach most of the tiles will never even be looked up by the renderer, because the bit combinations will be collapsed into a more canonical form before the lookup.
- we could also use the approach I mentioned briefly [here][branch:01HPQCCV4RB65D5Q4RANJKGC0D], which involves introducing a lookup table - which sounds reasonable, so let's do it!
- I don't want to write the lookup table by hand, so let's generate it! I'll reuse the redundancy elimination code from before to make this easier.
- we'll start by obtaining our ordinal directions array again:
```javascript ordinal-directions
export let xToConnectionBitSet = ordinalDirections();
- then we'll turn that array upside down... in other words, invert the index-value relationship, so that we can look up which X position in the tile strip to use for a specific connection combination.
remember that our array has only 256 values, so it should be pretty cheap to represent using a `Uint8Array`:
```javascript ordinal-directions
export let connectionBitSetToX = new Uint8Array(256);
for (let i = 0; i < xToConnectionBitSet.length; ++i) {
connectionBitSetToX[xToConnectionBitSet[i]] = i;
- and there we go! we now have a mapping from our bitset to positions within the tile strip. try to play around with the code example to see which bitsets correspond to which position!
```javascript ordinal-directions
console.log(connectionBitSetToX[E | SE | S]);
```output ordinal-directions
TODO: The value from the previous output should not leak into this one. how do we do this? do we emit extra `pushMessage` calls inbetween the editors so that they know when to end?
maybe use a `classic` context instead of a module? or maybe have a way of sharing data between outputs? (return value?)
% id = "01HPD4XQPWT9N8X9BD9GKWD78F"
- bitwise autotiling is a really cool technique that I've used in plenty of games in the past.
@ -423,6 +474,7 @@ styles = ["tairu.css"]
% id = "01HPD4XQPWP847T0EAM0FJ88T4"
- then vines
% id = "01HPSY4Y19FA2HGYE4F3Y9NJ57"
- well... it's even simpler than that in terms of graphical presentation, but we'll get to that.
% id = "01HPD4XQPWK58Z63X6962STADR"
@ -240,8 +240,12 @@ where
} => {
self.write(match kind {
LiterateCodeKind::Input => "<th-literate-editor ",
LiterateCodeKind::Output => "<th-literate-output ",
LiterateCodeKind::Input => {
"<th-literate-program data-mode=\"input\" "
LiterateCodeKind::Output => {
"<th-literate-program data-mode=\"output\" "
escape_html(&mut self.writer, program_name)?;
@ -368,14 +372,7 @@ where
Tag::CodeBlock(kind) => {
self.write(match kind {
CodeBlockKind::Fenced(language) => match CodeBlockMode::parse(&language) {
CodeBlockMode::LiterateProgram {
kind: LiterateCodeKind::Input,
} => "</th-literate-editor>",
CodeBlockMode::LiterateProgram {
kind: LiterateCodeKind::Output,
} => "</th-literate-output>",
CodeBlockMode::LiterateProgram { .. } => "</th-literate-program>",
_ => "</code></pre>",
_ => "</code></pre>\n",
@ -171,8 +171,7 @@ h4 {
th-literate-output {
th-literate-program {
--recursive-mono: 1.0;
--recursive-casl: 0.0;
--recursive-slnt: 0.0;
@ -213,13 +212,13 @@ body {
/* Make code examples a little prettier by giving them visual separation from the rest of the page */
th-literate-editor {
th-literate-program {
padding: 3px 4px;
background-color: var(--shaded-background);
border-radius: 4px;
th-literate-output {
display: block;
@ -231,8 +230,7 @@ kbd {
th-literate-output {
th-literate-program {
padding: 8px 12px;
margin: 12px 0;
background-color: var(--shaded-against-background);
@ -241,22 +239,20 @@ th-literate-output {
transition: background-color var(--transition-duration);
th-literate-output {
th-literate-program {
white-space: pre;
.tree summary:hover {
& pre,
& th-literate-editor,
& th-literate-output {
& th-literate-program {
background-color: var(--shaded-against-background-twice);
th-literate-output>code {
th-literate-program>code {
padding: 0;
background: none;
border-radius: 0px;
@ -518,13 +514,13 @@ img[is="th-emoji"] {
/* Literate programming support */
th-literate-editor {
th-literate-program[data-mode="input"] {
/* Override the cursor with an I-beam, because the editor captures clicks and does not bubble
them back up to the caller */
cursor: text;
th-literate-output {
th-literate-program[data-mode="output"] {
position: relative;
& code {
@ -5,74 +5,68 @@ let literatePrograms = new Map();
function getLiterateProgram(name) {
if (literatePrograms.get(name) == null) {
literatePrograms.set(name, {
editors: [],
frames: [],
onChanged: [],
outputCount: 0,
nextOutputIndex() {
let index = this.outputCount;
return index;
return literatePrograms.get(name);
function getLiterateProgramSourceCode(name) {
let sources = [];
function getLiterateProgramWorkerCommands(name) {
let commands = [];
let literateProgram = getLiterateProgram(name);
for (let editor of literateProgram.editors) {
for (let frame of literateProgram.frames) {
if (frame.mode == "input") {
commands.push({ kind: "module", source: frame.textContent });
} else if (frame.mode == "output") {
commands.push({ kind: "output", expected: frame.textContent });
return sources.join("\n");
return commands;
class LiterateEditor extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
class InputMode {
constructor(frame) {
this.frame = frame;
connectedCallback() {
this.literateProgramName = this.getAttribute("data-program");
this.codeJar = CodeJar(this, LiterateEditor.highlight);
this.codeJar = CodeJar(frame, InputMode.highlight);
this.codeJar.onUpdate(() => {
let literateProgram = getLiterateProgram(this.literateProgramName);
for (let handler of literateProgram.onChanged) {
for (let handler of frame.program.onChanged) {
this.addEventListener("click", event => event.preventDefault());
frame.addEventListener("click", event => event.preventDefault());
static highlight(editor) {
static highlight(frame) {
// TODO: Syntax highlighting
customElements.define("th-literate-editor", LiterateEditor);
function debounce(callback, timeout) {
let timeoutId = 0;
return (...args) => {
timeoutId = window.setTimeout(() => callback(...args), timeout);
class LiterateOutput extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
class OutputMode {
constructor(frame) {
this.clearResultsOnNextOutput = false;
connectedCallback() {
this.literateProgramName = this.getAttribute("data-program");
this.frame = frame;
this.frame.program.onChanged.push(_ => this.evaluate());
this.outputIndex = this.frame.program.nextOutputIndex();
getLiterateProgram(this.literateProgramName).onChanged.push(_ => this.evaluate());
evaluate = () => {
evaluate() {
// This is a small bit of debouncing. If we cleared the output right away, the page would
// jitter around irritatingly
// jitter around irritatingly.
this.clearResultsOnNextOutput = true;
if (this.worker != null) {
@ -80,23 +74,23 @@ class LiterateOutput extends HTMLElement {
this.worker = new Worker(`${TREEHOUSE_SITE}/static/js/components/literate-programming/worker.js`, {
type: "module",
name: `evaluate LiterateOutput ${this.literateProgramName}`
name: `evaluate LiterateOutput ${this.frame.programName}`
this.worker.addEventListener("message", event => {
let message =;
if (message.kind == "evalComplete") {
} else if (message.kind == "output") {
} else if (message.kind == "output" && message.outputIndex == this.outputIndex) {
action: "eval",
input: getLiterateProgramSourceCode(this.literateProgramName),
input: getLiterateProgramWorkerCommands(this.frame.programName),
addOutput(output) {
if (this.clearResultsOnNextOutput) {
@ -112,10 +106,13 @@ class LiterateOutput extends HTMLElement {
line.textContent = => {
// One day this will be more fancy. Today is not that day.
line.textContent = output.message
.map(x => {
if (typeof x === "object") return JSON.stringify(x);
else return x + "";
}).join(" ");
.join(" ");
if (output.kind == "result") {
let returnValueText = document.createElement("span");
@ -124,12 +121,30 @@ class LiterateOutput extends HTMLElement {
line.insertBefore(returnValueText, line.firstChild);
clearResults() {
customElements.define("th-literate-output", LiterateOutput);
class LiterateProgram extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {
this.programName = this.getAttribute("data-program");
this.mode = this.getAttribute("data-mode");
if (this.mode == "input") {
this.modeImpl = new InputMode(this);
} else if (this.mode == "output") {
this.modeImpl = new OutputMode(this);
get program() {
return getLiterateProgram(this.programName);
customElements.define("th-literate-program", LiterateProgram);
@ -1,26 +1,50 @@
console = {
let outputIndex = 0;
let debugLog = console.log;
globalThis.console = {
log(...message) {
kind: "output",
output: {
kind: "log",
message: [...message],
addEventListener("message", event => {
async function withTemporaryGlobalScope(callback) {
let state = {
oldValues: {},
set(key, value) {
this.oldValues[key] = globalThis[key];
globalThis[key] = value;
await callback(state);
for (let key in state.oldValues) {
globalThis[key] = state.oldValues[key];
addEventListener("message", async event => {
let message =;
if (message.action == "eval") {
outputIndex = 0;
try {
let func = new Function(message.input);
let result = func.apply({});
kind: "output",
output: {
kind: "result",
message: [result],
await withTemporaryGlobalScope(async scope => {
for (let command of message.input) {
if (command.kind == "module") {
let blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([command.source], { type: "text/javascript" }));
let module = await import(blobUrl);
for (let exportedKey in module) {
scope.set(exportedKey, module[exportedKey]);
} else if (command.kind == "output") {
} catch (error) {
@ -29,7 +53,8 @@ addEventListener("message", event => {
output: {
kind: "error",
message: [error.toString()],
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ export class TileEditor extends Frame {
this.tileSize = parseInt(this.getAttribute("data-tile-size"));
let tilemapId = this.getAttribute("data-tilemap-id");
if (tilemapId != null) {
this.tilemap = tilemapRegistry[this.getAttribute("data-tilemap-id")];
} else {
@ -188,5 +187,3 @@ export class TileEditor extends Frame {
defineFrame("tairu-editor", TileEditor);
console.log("tairu editor loaded");
@ -163,15 +163,12 @@ function expandDetailsRecursively(element) {
function navigateToPage(page) {
window.location.pathname = `${page}.html`
async function navigateToBranch(fragment) {
if (fragment.length == 0) return;
console.log(`nagivating to branch: ${fragment}`);
let element = document.getElementById(fragment);
if (element !== null) {
// If the element is already loaded on the page, we're good.
@ -179,7 +176,6 @@ async function navigateToBranch(fragment) {
} else {
// The element is not loaded, we need to load the tree that has it.
console.log("element is not loaded");
let parts = fragment.split(':');
if (parts.length >= 2) {
let [page, _id] = parts;
@ -189,7 +185,6 @@ async function navigateToBranch(fragment) {
// navigation maps with roots other than index. Currently though only index is
// generated so that doesn't matter.
let [_root, ...path] = fullPath;
console.log(`_root: ${_root}, path: ${path}`)
if (path !== undefined) {
let isNotAtIndexHtml =
window.location.pathname != "" &&
Reference in a new issue