client-side time zone adjustment still persists---the server renders them out in UTC, but the client will adjust the date to its timezone during loading.
this shouldn't cause any layout shifting because we use `font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums` (though Recursive seems to use tabular numbers either way.)
to accomplish this, I generalised emoji tooltips to a shared Tooltip class.
in the long run I'd like to transform all existing `title=""` tooltips into these for stylistic consistency with the rest of the website, but this is good enough for now.
I also ended up cleaning up some old code from before the /b rework.
branch permalinks still use /b, but /b?abc now acts as a redirect rather than doing annoying JavaScript garbage
I changed the branch element ID format to accomodate this---now the IDs are of form `b-{id}` rather than `{tree_path}:{id}`.
the old way was stupid anyways.
I hope nothing breaks too majorly because of this.
- treehouse/new is now a regular page, not a special template
- most of the code related to the `new` badge in page:index has been removed
- you're meant to discern between pages you've read vs ones you haven't by looking at the colors of the links (blue vs purple)
implement basic version history support; there's now an icon in the footer that lets you see the previous versions and their sources
I'm a bit worried about spoilers but honestly it's yet another way to hint yourself at the cool secrets so I don't mind