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Experiment with caching HTML pages/fragments #9

opened 2024-09-12 22:37:43 +02:00 by riki · 0 comments

Currently the browser fetches each branch from scratch because they cannot be cached.

  • Maybe exploiting cache control headers would help here to reduce the need to redownload the same content over and over again

  • Maybe using IndexDB to save branch content and fetch it quickly would help too. but I don’t like that as much as just using what the browser offers.

Currently the browser fetches each branch from scratch because they cannot be cached. - Maybe exploiting cache control headers would help here to reduce the need to redownload the same content over and over again - Maybe using IndexDB to save branch content and fetch it quickly would help too. but I don’t like that as much as just using what the browser offers.
riki added the
label 2024-09-12 22:51:44 +02:00
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Reference: riki/treehouse#9
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