150 lines
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150 lines
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%% title = "the treehouse sandbox"
scripts = ["components/literate-programming.js"]
% id = "01HPWJB4Y5ST6AEK9VDYNS865P"
- the sandbox is a framework for playing around with code
- one might call it "literate programming" and indeed that's the name used inside the code
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- it's based on JavaScript; basically, you write scripts in JavaScript that may embed output into the parent page
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- this is a bit of documentation on how to use its features
+ ### basic usage
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- the smallest building block is a module. each code block is a separate ES module, and therefore it has separate imports and exports.
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- for example, in the example below, the two code blocks cannot access each other's variables:
```javascript module-separation-broken
let myVariable = 1;
```javascript module-separation-broken
```output module-separation-broken
ReferenceError: myVariable is not defined
- to fix this, export the variable:
```javascript module-separation-works
export let myVariable = 1;
```javascript module-separation-works
```output module-separation-works
+ ### outputting text
% id = "01HPWJB4Y55S28PVMBD4FKK98C"
- for code blocks which are followed by an `Output` block, such as [this one], it is possible to use `console.log` to output text to the console:
```javascript text-output
console.log("Hello, world!");
```output text-output
Hello, world!
- `console.warn`, `console.error`, etc. are not supported right now. sorry.
- code blocks are generally tied together when I say so. for example, you can access variables `export`ed from the above code blocks here; try making this example compile without touching this code block:
```javascript text-output
console.log(x + 1);
```output text-output
% id = "01HPWJB4Y54R6ZB0GHCXRF674M"
- you'll notice that if you edit the first code block in this section, both the code blocks' outputs get updated automatically. neat, huh?
% id = "01HPWJB4Y57BVC7H5N94FREGRK"
+ ### outputting graphics
- some code blocks allow for graphical output. such as this one:
```javascript graphical-output
import { Sketch } from "treehouse/sandbox.js";
let sketch = new Sketch(200, 200);
sketch.ctx.fillStyle = "white";
sketch.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, sketch.canvas.width, sketch.canvas.height);
sketch.ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
sketch.ctx.strokeRect(32, 32, 32, 32);
<th-literate-program data-mode="graphics" data-program="graphical-output"></th-literate-program>
% id = "01HPWJB4Y5ER6SAQZ17ZFH8RK7"
- `Sketch` is an API for drawing things using HTML `<canvas>`.
- the act of creating a `Sketch` using `new` causes a new `<canvas>` to be created.
% id = "01HPWJB4Y5HZG6QH5N6N2Q9Z99"
- this `<canvas>` can be accessed using the sketch's `canvas` field, and the canvas's 2D drawing context is accessible using the `ctx` field.
% id = "01HPXYH05CWEAKZ406ZNA919TS"
- it's also possible to use ordinary DOM elements, *however* instead of `document.body` you should use `treehouse/sandbox.js`'s `body()`.
there's also sugar for `body().appendChild()` in form of `addElement()`:
```javascript dom-output
import { addElement } from "treehouse/sandbox.js";
let slider = document.createElement("input");
slider.type = "range";
<th-literate-program data-mode="graphics" data-program="dom-output"></th-literate-program>
% id = "01HPXYH05C3VC96N214D8VQGND"
- do note however that this isn't used on the site right now due to a lack of CSS in the sandbox, therefore rendering the sandbox's theme unreadable in dark mode.
% id = "01HPXYH05C75CGRW5GN1K9W8GY"
- technically you *can* use `document.body`, but its content will be replaced with `body()`'s once the script finishes running, so in the end it's quite useless
% id = "01HPWJB4Y5H9DKZT2ZA8PWNV99"
+ ### known issues
- the code editors are very janky on Firefox right now.
% id = "01HPWJB4Y5T2GA42SJ80JNY2FK"
- the sandbox uses CodeJar to facilitate code editing, and to do this it uses `contenteditable` attributes.
- I love CodeJar for its simplicity. it brings you text editing, and you bring your own everything else. so I'd love to
- however, for non-janky text editing, CodeJar uses `contenteditable="plaintext-only"`, which is only supported on Chromium-based browsers.
% id = "01HPWJB4Y5ZJC1P0M6D3VNM0SF"
- I may patch it at some point to support regular `contenteditable` better at some point, but it's not a priority right now.
% id = "01HPWJB4Y52XZJRRZ41F1XK0ZT"
- the sandbox is only used for small, editable, interactive code examples and is not intended to be a fully fledged IDE.