193 lines
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193 lines
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%% title = "who that! (about me) (version 1, archived 2024-06-13)"
visibility = "Private"
% id = "01H89P3CH836K8WKQ9BPR6RE3C"
- hello! I am liquidex
+ also known as…
% id = "01H89P3CH8GAHS8DDW1HHEWA3P"
- **liquidex** (just including this here for linking sake)
% id = "01H89P3CH8ER0M5WZBXQ292A2N"
- **liquidev** on various [programming-related platforms][def:social/github]
% id = "01H89P3CH8943QGT52K7MRW12Q"
- **lqdev**, before I realized that name is taken. since then I use liquidev but you may see
this older name in some places
% id = "01H89P3CH81FTHTQ552N7N1S3A"
- **daknus** [on SoundCloud][def:social/soundcloud]
% id = "01H89P3CH8PB76G26M4T8P6QDZ"
+ **limiter** sometimes jokingly on Discord
% id = "01H89P3CH8Z4MXQ0C9EWV01DPX"
+ **limitre**, which is British for limiter
% id = "01H89P3CH8P7HAGDJVGVWD96K7"
- y'know. like centre is British for center, metre is British for meter? :hueh:
% id = "01H89P3CH8FA0JTX1TPRZV4BFM"
- before you ask, pronouns are _he/him_
% id = "01H89P3CH8A12NYRT3SC324Y2M"
- I'm a programmer from Poland
% id = "01H89P3CH8VN1MPKS4RQFFW778"
+ I work in the game industry
% id = "01H89P3CH88PKW82498V91VZ4W"
+ somehow my skills brought me to work as a game programmer at CD PROJEKT RED
% id = "01H89P3CH8SPX5RZDWR00CZ436"
+ not sure how that happened still so don't ask
- impostor syndrome going hard right now
% id = "01H89P3CH8QSQY1M7TZVH1FYQM"
- but that game programming thing is just coincidence, in reality I love toying with
computers in general
- so you may see me doing other random and weird stuff
% id = "01H89P3CH89P2Q9XGQD7BCF0R6"
- perhaps [compilers][def:stitchkit/repo] are one of those weird things
+ or [audio][def:dawd3/repo]
% id = "01H89P3CH859AAGFEABN8EANSJ"
- my favorite part of that is blowing my own eardrums out with my math skill, which is rather *underdeveloped* so to speak
+ heck even web development out of all things. I mean you're reading _my_ website right
now after all
% id = "01H89P3CH88M1GZ3WN3RXCW1NN"
- like truly *my my* website with *my own* backend, static generator, and all that
% id = "01H89P3CH8CFBVXBF5W3GYA70X"
- none of that pre-built stuff, this baby is generated from the *purest* samples
of Uranium-235 I could source
% id = "01H89P3CH8HYM5XZRH56880TP5"
- … wait you're saying building your own nuclear reactor at home is illegal? UHHHHHHHHHH
% id = "01H89P3CH8EGD14MHJEET6MJ27"
- who knows at this point
% id = "01H89P3CH8RFRCTC500059H5G8"
- apart from programming I also take interest in other various things
% id = "01H89P3CH864VWM4JXQ0N5C1YV"
- like video games <!-- [video games][branch:games] -->
% id = "01H89P3CH8WK8F2XKBXFVE8KNX"
- yeah those are pretty great aren't they
- my faves are:
- [A Hat in Time](https://hatintime.com)
% id = "01H89P3CH8G625Q1NQVT8CJ3K1"
- [DELTARUNE](https://deltarune.com)
% id = "01H89P3CH89TQ3SFG2Z40J29HX"
- they're pretty great you should check them out <!-- (also check out [my games corner][branch:games]? :pleading_face:) -->
- or [music][page:music]
% id = "01H89P3CH8XQ59YZD3RFRYQ2BM"
- various genres from electronic through jazz and even rock
- in that order of priority
- electronic definitely leaning toward the more um, _eccentric_ side
% id = "01H89P3CH836WYRR77815D8HCH"
- all you have to know is I listen to Venetian Snares pretty regularly
% id = "01H89P3CH8C719GX9CTK36FXXN"
+ if you don't know what that means then good for you
% id = "01H8V55G7M7KEKBYX2D2RP9QQE"
+ but if you so insist… [you have been warned](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB7ExLcUuH0)
% id = "01H8V55G7MWC7MQ9YQVDDFZ9QV"
- (this is one of the more crazy ones anyways. he makes some [more normal stuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuI6MMUtNdU) too if you care)
% id = "01H89P3CH8XP6ZA1RWYVZWRXN3"
- jazz and rock I don't really know as well but I've been trying to broaden my
horizons a bit
% id = "01H89P3CH8EYKDYN83VPQQ088C"
+ I really like artists who merge them with elements of electronic music
% id = "01H89P3CH8G5CFPME3Z88GNDD8"
- ~~while the music corner is under construction I can recommend [Elaenia by Floating Points](https://floatingpoints.bandcamp.com/album/elaenia)
as a good example of that~~ the music corner is no longer under construction. go [check it out][page:music]!
% id = "hello/v1"
- feel free to come up to me and say hi!
% id = "01H89P3CH823H89YQJKH9DWMW9"
- I would love to make some new friends :ralsei_love:
% id = "01H89P3CH8ZQ11ABP0YW86APN7"
- in person I'm pretty much exactly as on this website lol
- like this website is literally meant to be a reflection of my personality and a literal braindump
% id = "01H89P3CH80XYPAHXH1QZJ9SMZ"
+ so I type here like I would type on some chat platform. but it's a tree, just like Reddit!
- except on chat I don't capitalize "I" so if that pisses you off you may wanna brace yourself (or just tell me, I'll do my best to adapt)
- and Reddit sucks!
% id = "01H89P3CH8CD28KGX9GVRFK60E"
- anyways you can find me on
% id = "01H89P3CH8EMM31JEMJRVRAKF4"
+ Discord - username is [this][branch:01H89P3CH8GAHS8DDW1HHEWA3P]
% id = "01H89P3CH89HHDVHGB9GE287TR"
- I'm most active there so you'll have the best chance of getting a reply
% id = "01H89P3CH8FBBJ6FKDCYDMD3T5"
- you'll know it's me if you see a profile with a fluffy boy avatar
% id = "01H89P3CH8WTBKXP0GGN0HYQK2"
+ Matrix - username is [this][branch:01H89P3CH8943QGT52K7MRW12Q] at gacko.pl
% id = "01H89P3CH832E4GK0NJ77KED06"
- I try to be as active there as on Discord but my availability may be a little more
% id = "01H89P3CH8A31GJE0A0JTMK00B"
- just don't forget to wave at me when you do! I need to tell you apart from bots somehow
% id = "01H89P3CH8R323RCDZAG6Y6C1X"
- my email for people is under this domain and is `hi`
% id = "01H89P3CH8TAC5AB4QVA3E2Z0E"
- if you are not a person you can, I dunno. what do robots like doing?
% id = "01H89P3CH8QTANJJ5F1E4GCBNK"
- listen I'm trying to ward off the spam with this weird wording but I bet you can
figure out my email address from this pretty easily
% id = "01H89P3CH80QR285WFDTK5X5VF"
- if not then look at my GitHub it also has an email address