2024-12-10T08:57:27Z - 2025-01-10T08:57:27Z


10 active issues
Excluding merges, 1 author has pushed 10 commits to main and 10 commits to all branches. On main, 143 files have changed and there have been 1614 additions and 482 deletions.

2 issues closed from 1 user

Closed #51 Feed contains relative links, which some feed readers do not like 2024-12-12 19:53:43 +01:00

Closed #53 Make image uploads easier 2024-12-12 19:53:26 +01:00

8 issues created by 1 user

Opened #54 page:treehouse/new links to page:philosophy/on-nicknames which is a typo 2024-12-25 07:08:11 +01:00

Opened #55 Command for fuzzy finding and jumping to a page 2024-12-25 07:15:20 +01:00

Opened #56 Unresolved page: links should emit a warning 2024-12-25 07:16:41 +01:00

Opened #57 /b Branch links don't highlight and scroll to the branch 2024-12-27 16:15:56 +01:00

Opened #58 /b doc page has a bunch of broken djot in it 2024-12-27 16:38:10 +01:00

Opened #59 CDN / separate service for images 2025-01-04 23:20:49 +01:00

Opened #60 Insert <wbr>s in snake_case, camelCase and PascalCase words inside <code> 2025-01-09 18:40:47 +01:00

Opened #61 Bust cache on season change automatically 2025-01-09 18:55:13 +01:00