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Welcome to the Construct.

If you haven't seen the house yet, you may wanna. It's pretty darn cool.

Please note that this repository contains spoilers. So if you like exploring by yourself, you may wanna do that first before diving into the source code.

Spoilers for what?, you might ask.

You have been warned.


The following commands require just. Running a development server requires cargo-watch.


To serve the website on http://localhost:8080 for development:


This will start a server on port 8080. You can change the port by using the variable port:

just port=8081

The website will reload itself automatically if you change any file in the repository.


Please report issues directly to me. Known issues are tracked on the issue tracker in riki's shed.

I do not accept and do not plan to accept external contributions to the treehouse's codebase, because then it would no longer be my treehouse.